Monday, January 27, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 15

Dear Baby Loxton,

Apparently in fruit world you are now the size of an orange, mom loves oranges, well any fruit since having you in her tummy! I hope that you will love fruit as much as I do!

At only 15 weeks old - you must see how many gifts your granny and great granny have bought you! They are SO excited to give them to you when you arrive.

Love you loads

Your Mom

Week 15
I have had a really good week so far despite my hormones being on top form this week - I sat at my desk doing the ugly cry for a good solid 10 minutes before I could see out my eyes and manage to touch up my make-up and make myself look presentable enough for work...all because I got the quote from my gynaecologist for babies delivery...they say we worry half the time about things we need not even worry about ~ silly girl!

Other than that I still feel slightly nauseous if my tummy is empty and I need to feed myself and baby, so I make sure I stick to eating every two hours. Still feel as though I could sleep for dayyyysss.

How far along: 15 weeks

Baby fun facts: Baby measures about 11cm this week and only weighs around 56grams. Hold an orange in your hand - that is how big Baby Loxton is right about now! Cuuuttee, still so tiny!

Pregnancy weight gain: My work skirt is tighter and I refuse to step on that scale.The scale is the devil.

Sleep: Much better than before but this getting up three times a night to wee is the pits! YAWN and these crazy!

Food cravings: Nope....nothing

Food aversions: Still Chicken and anything salad!

Gender: Almost there...

Highlight of the week: Birthday parties, limos and loads of laughs with great friends.

Movement: Not yet...patiently waiting

What am I looking forward to: This bump actually looking like a bump and not a fat boep.

What I miss the most: My mind lol - preggy brain is creeping in fast!

Worried about: Letting my faith be bigger than my fears or should I say worries.

Most excited about: SO much to be excited about..where do I even begin!

Making use of: Bio-Oil, PregoMega Plus, Vitamin C, Supashape Diet Whey, USN Pure Protein, BCAA's, Pegasus Sleep and my PREGGY PILLOW.