Monday, January 13, 2014

Second Trimester here we come! ~ Week 13

The weeks just seem to be going by really fast. Well, January went by really fast! Wasn't it just New Years day like the other day? Before I know it Baby Loxton has arrived! Gosh!

I feel like I am having this major internal battle right now between wanting these next few months to fly by and then wanting them to slow the hell down as I have SO much I feel like I need to do before baby arrives....STRESS! Right now I feel as though there is so much to do and so little time to do it in.


I must just say I have been feeling loads better this week. When I look back at the first trimester I want to cry because of how sick I felt and i feel like it is time wasted to really enjoy my pregnancy but that seems to be a thing of the past and now I can smile and try and enjoy every minute of this journey that I have left. YAY!

How far along: 13 weeks

Baby fun facts: Baby is the size of a peach! Is about 7cm long, weighs roughly 23grams. Can you believe that something so tiny is already forming vocal chords and teeth! Blows my mind!

Pregnancy weight gain: Nothing to report back this week, although I feel rather large but I will keep reminding myself  that it is not fat, it is merely my maternal storage system...I won't lie and say this makes me feel loads better but it will do for

Sleep: Sleeping, So so, minus the 3am bathroom breaks,  thanks to Wayne buying me some Pegasus Sleep

Food cravings: Everyone keeps asking me "So what are you craving"...sorry to disappoint guys and girls but nothing really.

Food aversions: Anything that moo's or clucks and salad.

Gender: Soon to be revealed...

Highlight of the week: Seeing our little Baby Loxton and hearing that heartbeat!!!

13 Week Scan of Baby Loxton

Movement: Still nothing. They say you can start to feel movement from week 16, sometimes later - everyone is different.

What am I looking forward to: The weekend. Work has been crazy busy and I cannot wait to relax and sleep. I am SO tired these days.

What I miss the most: Nothing really besides my flat stomach hahaha, it has been a good week so far, tiring but good :)

Worried about: Changing Gynae's, mine has decided to retire...great timing. Finances, this baby sure is costing us an arm and a leg but I need to let go of my worries and trust God on this one.

Most excited about: Officially being in the second trimester and feeling SO much better.

Making use of: Bio-Oil,Georen's Pregne Creme, PregoMega Plus, Vitamin C, Supashape Diet Whey, USN Pure Protein, BCAA's, Pegasus Sleep and Pegasus Morning Sickness Tabs