Thursday, March 26, 2015

Gone but never forgotten

Edward Albert Neville or as I am sure most of our family and friends know my grandfather as Beeba, a nickname I gave him many many years ago that stuck like glue, he wouldn’t even allow the people at his work to refer to him as Neville and dare one of us call him grandpa, he would tell you…my name is Beeba!

He was a grandfather for 31 years to 3 grandchildren and a Great grandfather for 7 months to 1 great-grandchild (my son Camden).

Always whistling and never without that naughty grin of his and of course that trade mark wink to all the ladies everywhere he went. Definitely the ladies man in our family.

I think I speak for all his grandchildren when I say besides bird watching, fishing and bowling the most important thing he taught us in life was how to love. He loved each member of our family unconditionally and that is something we will never forget. As I sat down to write this, it occurred to me that I can’t ever recall in the 31 years of my life, him speaking ill of anyone and that is something I aspire to.

Our family have so much to be grateful to him for. If he were here right now I would like to Thank him for his love of life that he so generously shared.  For his acceptance, gentleness, softness and strength.  For all the laughter, stories and great conversation.

He was by far the best Beeba any grandchild could ever dream of having and I sure miss arriving at his house and hearing him whistle and say, "wow there is my beautiful granddaughter."

I miss you terribly today and always...

We know you are in Heaven smiling down.

RIP old man.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

And just like that, he is 8 months old ~ Camden Kingsley Loxton

I feel as though everything makes sense this month. Camden has been cross cutting teeth and what felt like absolute hell that we were going through ...Finally made sense when those teeth appeared.

It has been one tough month for us and for our poor little guy. It has been a month of a seriously miserable baby and zero sleep. I started to feel like I might be failing as a mother, just as we start to get it right, Camden starts sleeping through then he started teething and it just totally spiralled out of control and this month was by far the worst.

When he cut his lateral incisor before his central incisor I felt terrible for the days that I had gotten frustrated or irritated with the way he had been behaving. I try now to be a little bit more patient and understanding when he wants to come to me and cries to be in my arms, as I can only imagine how painful it must be for my little boy. He basically cut all 4 top teeth at once, explains a lot.

He has been extremely mommy vas at times and then daddy vas other days. If we leave the room he cries and comes to find us, crawls up to our leg and then pulls himself up and cries until we pick him up. He pulled Wayne's shorts down the other day just to be picked up. Vocal is an understatement this month, our little champ is SO!


How Big?: He has not been for a check up and isn't due to go for one until April. We have weighed him, sat him on our home scale and he weighed in at 10.7kg. I am unable to measure him as we don't do it accurately but I can see just by looking at Camden that he has grown, and well by the fact that we have had to buy him more clothing as his t-shirts and shorts are too small, AGAIN.

Clothing Size: Some 6-12 month items at a squeeze, 12-18 and 18-24. Have had to up his diapers to a 4+ in the Huggies because the 4's weren't cutting it anymore, so tight around his waist.

Eating: Still had his days where he didn't want to eat and I  assume that it was due to the fact that he had not been feeling himself due to the teething. He has tried spaghetti bolognaise and absolutely loved it, he was crying for more. We made him French toast and he loved that too, he loved squishing it between his hands as well. He eats pretty much anything but give him a taste of chocolate and he pulls a face, not a fan it seems?!

Sleep: When I hear the word sleep, I want to cry. I feel as though my body should have adjusted by now to Camden not sleeping but the lack of sleep that we are experiencing is killing us. Camden is still waking up screaming roughly 5 times a night, the only difference is now that I am the only one that he settles with so Wayne is unable to assist me with night duty as Camden just carries on screaming when Wayne tries to see to him. I think besides the pain from his teeth, it has just become a habit as he wakes up without fail around 1:40am every night and then it is every 20min to 1 hour intervals until we just cannot take it anymore and finally give him a bottle at 4:30am to just settle him. Some mornings if we are lucky he will then sleep from 4:45am to roughly 6am which means we can try get an hour sleep before work. It is like a scene from the walking dead in our house at the moment.

Movement: He crawls at the speed of light these days, it is like "now you see him, now you don't". Crawling up and down the stairs. Falling off the bed. Standing and trying to walk. He seems to think that he already knows how to walk and lets go of the furniture and then falls after trying to move forward but still being so unstable on his legs. We have had a bloody lip and many head bumps and bruises this month. Our little champ thinks that he is indestructible. I foresee him walking before his first birthday.


Camden is just developing way too fast, really wish I could slow down time.

  • Got his top four teeth in week 35, our little guy was cross cutting teeth as you can see in the picture below. It has been a rough month for him.

  • Got his first teething nappy rash in week 35 ( not a great milestone, poor guy)
  • Started crawling properly this month
  • Crawling up onto steps
  • Started pulling himself up onto every item of furniture and letting go with one hand, sometimes both...oops lol
  • Started saying dada
  • Has started to try take his first few steps, he is rather unsuccessful but refuses to give up
  • Fell off the bed for the first time (terrible parents)
  • Had his first taste of flings and loved it ( bad grandma)

There is so much he did this month but I honesty have been so busy with work and exhausted that I forgot to record all the milestones. Will try pay more attention next month

Eight months post-partum: I have still only lost 16kg in the past 8 months. I understand that I need to remember where I have come from to now but something has got to give.

I am exhausted but still eating right and training during my lunch breaks now so that I can try get to bed earlier, to catch a few hours sleep before Camden starts his usual wake ups from 1:40am onwards. It has been a tough month and I have flu that I am not able to get over due to the lack of sleep. My body is really run down.

Physically I am fine and emotionally this month I had my ups and downs, my weight is really upsetting me but I am remaining positive.