Monday, January 06, 2014

'The Lil Loxton Bump' ~ Week 8 to 12

It was so awesome to hear how much you all enjoyed reading or relating to my 'Unexpectedly expecting' post, some found it rather amusing and well I am just glad you all enjoyed reading about how we found out!

Since 2011 I have written mostly about fitness related items, my weight loss and my competition prep or the actual Bikini competitions I competed in. Some of my posts will still be fitness related but I have now decided to start posting about pregnancy related items, pregnancy updates and health, diet and exercise while pregnant.

We decided to start documenting 'The Lil Loxton Bump' and keep you up to date with the pregnancy. I will try keep you updated on a weekly basis and supply you with pictures every two weeks as this is what we have decided to do, only take pictures every two weeks up until week 20, then we will start taking weekly pictures.

As ALL of you reading this blog post know...I have struggled with my weight most of my life and after last comp, I gained a few kg's and well then PREGNANT happened! I always said I wanted to be super lean and fit before I fell pregnant but life clearly had other plans. I have since gotten over the fact that I am not thin in these photo's or Bikini comp lean and this is an important moment in my life and I want to be able to look back on it later and share it with baby when he/she is old enough. I think it would be pretty cool!

Anyways, here goes...

8 Weeks

10 Weeks

12 Weeks
How far along: 12 weeks

Baby fun facts:  Baby is about 5.5cm long, weighs roughly 14g. Baby is the size of a plum and can

                            close his/her fingers, curl his/her toes and clench his/her eye muscles.

Pregnancy weight gain: 2.6kg - I know at 12 weeks I should not have gained much but due to the carboloading during my nausea period, I managed to gain a whopping 2.6kg...shock horror!

Sleep: Sorry?! What is that? My sleeping patterns are terrible...YAWN! I miss my sleep.

Food cravings: Fruits, veggies (starchy veg) and granadilla lollies, but if I don't have those items I won't die so I wouldn't call them cravings as such, just what I am able to stomach. Oh yes and omelette's.

Food aversions: Anything CHICKEN or salad(lettuce and cucumber mostly)....Vomit!

Gender: We will find out soon ;) but I am convinced it is a boy and Wayne would like a girl. I think he is worried a boy might be "mommies boy" lol

Highlight of the week: Not feeling so nauseous anymore and the morning gagging while getting dressed for work has subsided! Praise the Lord! And of course all my foot massages from Wayne - can't take those for granted!

Movement: Nope, but I can't wait to feel baby move though!
What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment! Just want to make sure everything is ok :)

What I miss the most: Sushi and my flat stomach

Worried about: Everything! Now that I am not feeling as ill, I worry that something might be wrong. I worry if I will be a good mother. Little Miss Worry Pants

Most excited about: Moving into the second trimester and finally being able to enjoy this pregnancy. of course also finding out if Lil Loxton is a he or a she

Making use of: Bio-Oil, Georen's Pregne Creme, PregoMega Plus and Vitamin C, Supashape Diet Whey, USN Pure Protein and BCAA's