Friday, April 04, 2014

MY miracle....MY life changer


Dear Baby Loxton,

There is this man that works with mommy, he is our CFO ( one day when you big you will know what this is) and in a lot of ways he reminds me of your great grandfather - a wonderful and intelligent man.

We chat on a daily basis about life matters, yes and work matters too but today he said something that really hit home…

He stood by my desk and said: “ You know it really is a great feeling”

I was confused as to what he was referring to and then he continued to say: “Having a baby”.

I was interested in why he was saying so and he went on to say that his Catholic Priest said to him when his son was awaiting the birth of his first child “Don’t worry, when a baby is born all problems will be resolved”

The man at my work explained to me that the priest didn’t mean that a baby is a miracle worker and takes all your problems away but that when a baby arrives your problems seem small because the joy and unconditional love that a child brings make those problems something secondary in your life as that child becomes your main focus and the problems you have don’t seem so big anymore.

“So in a nutshell, a baby is a miracle, they change your life for the better” he then smiled and walked away….while I sat back, held my tummy and thought about how right he is.

My life sure has changed in the last few months since finding out that you are growing inside of my tummy little man and I can only say that no matter what has been happening around me or how I may have felt, my life has changed for the better and it is all thanks to you!

YOU are MY miracle, MY life changer.

I love you more than you know.