Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Exercise during pregnancy

This is something that I have been researching from the day I found out I was expecting. There are so many debates around this topic and so many different beliefs, so what do you do...carry on as normal?

The way I see it, please note I am saying "I" as I do not expect you to agree with me or attack me if your beliefs are different on this topic but like I said the way I see it is why should you change your exercise routine if you are not a high risk pregnancy and all is OK with the baby and with you?

Obviously keeping in mind to perhaps not overdo it in your first trimester, hell I could hardly lift my head on certain days never mind get my ass to the gym to try and train in my first trimester up until now really. Research says that you should now only exercise at 70% of your capacity but try to exercise AT LEAST 3 times per week

I am still lacking energy but I am now pushing myself to "do something" even if it is just cardio for 30min because...I am carrying a baby, I am not dieing. Also please note that I am listening to my body and if I feel that there is no ways I am going to get even 30min cardio out of myself then I will rest instead but I don't feel there is any excuse if you have confirmed with your gynae as to why you cannot

1. Eat Healthy 
2. Train like you used to but just keeping an eye on your heart rate of course

Exercising will increase the flow of blood and oxygen throughout your body, and improve your stamina, flexibility and muscle tone. All of these will be needed in the months ahead when you will be carrying the extra weight around your middle, and later juggling a baby, diaper bag and other essentials (aka Super Mom)

MY routine to help ME stay fit during MY pregnancy:
  • Cardio - three times a week (for approximately 30 minutes) - For now I have been cycling but I am not sure if I will be able to do this in the months to come when I finally have a belly but it works for now.
  • Core - twice a week
  • Upper and Lower Body Strength Training - twice a week