Saturday, January 04, 2014

The joys of being pregnant

Headaches and heartburn and burping and farting

Plenty Veggies, hold the chicken and heart rates that quicken

Nausea with vomiting, stretch marks and mood swings…oh these are a few of my UNfavourite things…

Aaaahhh the joys of being pregnant….I know a few of you mommies out there are probably smiling at this post already thinking, “that brings back memories!” Well I raise my glass to all you women who have “Been there, Done that” because you, ladies…I take my hat off to you! No amount of preparation in life could prepare you for pregnancy symptoms, not even the old wives tales your grandmother tells you to cure nausea…and this is just the beginning, I haven’t even given birth yet! Let’s be serious though for one second - ginger sweets? OMG what human being invented those evil sweets – YUK!

Anyways let me not sound as though I am hating my life right now being pregnant, because that would be a lie. I might have hated the excruciating cramps keeping me awake all night, the nausea and the vomiting or the mere fact that my tiny toned ass has somewhat spread out horizontally at a rapid rate but hear me now - hearing Baby Loxton’s heartbeat and seeing him/her on the screen made all of those things that I have experienced above worthwhile and I would have all of those symptoms all over again!

This first trimester has been tough thus far, dealing with nausea, fatigue and food aversions have left me carboloading because carbs was once the devil but right now carbs and I are best of friends and I am just way too tired to even think of gym. I have had my really good days and then my really bad days. On the good days I have managed to eat as healthy as possible and get some form of exercise in, be it training at home, cycling on my spinning bike or getting outdoors for a walk but still I can’t wait for the day I feel fully energized to get back to the gym in full swing! I have hit a few weight training sessions and I felt really great afterwards – who said pregnant women couldn’t lift weights...ppffft! For now though, we will just stick to training on the days I feel ok…let this supermom (to be) not push it too far just yet.

I have chatted to my gynae and he has given me the go ahead to use Pure Whey protein powder (no additives) for now as I cannot really stomach much protein - ok besides tuna, which I am limited to the amount I consume of that per week, so I am currently substituting solid protein with Whey for some meals but not all…I manage to sometimes take a few bites out of my chicken breasts before almost hurling it all into Wayne’s lap…hahaha – sies!

So I wasn’t quite sure of how to keep my friends and family far away up to date about how I am feeling and how baby is growing etc. so I have decided to blog about it then you all get to share this journey with me and I am not alone, you all get to feel my pain or joy…I think that is only fair ;) so here goes.

The last few weeks that I have had to keep Little Loxton a secret summarized below…

Diary of a Lean Mamma (well we trying to “keep it tidy”)

Three Weeks: Oh em gee I have the worst stomach bug ever (hugs toilet bowl) must get to Doctor this can’t go on another day. “Surprise you pregnant!”  - WHAAAAT??! I swear this Doctor is smoking crack! I came here for a stomach bug, is she crazy, there is no way I’m – SH*T. I AM PREGNANT. Deep breath, Deep Breath do not panic, think this through. I AM NOT READY! (crying my eyes out)

Three Weeks and a few hours: Just took first belly shot. Announced to the baby daddy – Surprise you’re it…you going to be a dad – BOOM!

Three Weeks and a few days: Aaaarrrgggg CRAMPS. Dieing.A.Slow.Death – someone please kill me I am sure I would prefer being dead

Three Weeks and a few more days: HELLOOOO BOOBIES! Wow I totally didn’t even feel pregnant a few days ago but ever since that GP visit I AM SO TIRED. I think I should nap when I get home from work.

Four Weeks: Waiting to go in for this scan is taking FOREVER. Aaaawwww look at that little sac on the scan screen. Can this doctor hurry up I can’t hold my pee in one second longer.

Five Weeks: Must find fruit, pineapple, melon and throw in a Grannadilla Lolly. Chicken? Pregnant…hell no I will pass thanks. VOMIT.

Five Weeks two days: I sooooooo think I have morning sickness! It can’t be the Large pizza I ate last night (baby was craving pizza). Dry Crackers with a side order of dry crackers today please.

Six Weeks: I could sleep for dayyyysssss. Zzzzz….

Six Weeks three days: Gag,gag,gag,yawn,yawn,yawwwwwwwwn. I need to get dressed for work I am going to be late but gag,gag,gag. THIS IS morning sickness. Am I ever going to eat again?!

Six Weeks three days and 30 minute: Must eat something my stomach pains, this baby is draining me from the inside. I swear it is a Vampire child sucking the life from me!

Six Weeks three days and 35 minutes: Threw up anyways. GREAT.Late for work.

Seven Weeks: THIS DEVIL wears Prada. I am so Evil. These Hormones. I feel possessed.

Eight Weeks: Our first gynae appointment YAY! Babies heartbeat.TEARS of joy! How fast was the heartbeat?! Over 170?! Oh yes it is a girl, it must be a girl!

Eight Weeks 2 days: We got a picture of our Little Loxton, well it resembles a mouse to me but I swear he/she HAS my nose. POOR CHILD. I can’t stop looking at it!

Eight Weeks 4 days: I wonder how accurate the Chinese Lunar Calendar is with Gender predictions? They all say girl!!!! Today I am convinced it is a boy…mothers instinct. Maybe I should just try the ring test or maybe I must find a person with a baby girl, if the baby girl cries then I must definitely be having a boy! Aaaahhhh hurry up we want to know now!

Nine Weeks: Managed to cycle once this week. PATHETIC. I thought the nausea should have subsided by now. I.GUESS.NOT. Yaaawwwwwwwnnnn. Must NAP.

To be continued...