Monday, March 19, 2012

The inspiration within...

In order to better yourself the only advice I can give anyone in this lifetime is to find the inspiration from within. Once again I must apologise for slacking on the blog updates but I too am human I needed to find the inspiration within to become a better me and well… I am.

I recently listened to a motivational speech which kind of made me catch a wake up – the message is all about how to stop screwing yourself over….and get what YOU WANT in life! The message that came across had a valid point that wanting to be healthy is not going to get you on the treadmill for example but wanting to get rid of your man boobs so you can hook up with somebody – now that’s MOTIVATION!

Getting what you want is SIMPLE but it’s not easy…so why is it that in this world we live in we have so many resources to get what we want out of life yet we don’t?

It all boils down to one word..the F-bomb, the word FINE….saying you FINE is perfect because then you don’t have to do anything about your current circumstances because you have already convinced yourself that you are fine not having what you want, you are fine 20kg overweight and this is the reason you won’t bother to push yourself…because you are F I N E…

We go through life using our inner “snooze button”, you get an idea and you “push snooze”, why you say… because in any area of your life that you want/need to change there is one fact that you need to know – YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO FEEL LIKE IT…EVER! No-one is going to help you and motivation isn’t coming…you just never going to feel like it!

So to someone who is trying to lose weight getting up in the morning to do cardio is a massive pain in your rear end (I know, I still struggle with this every day, it’s an ongoing battle.)No-one wanting to lose weight is ever going to feel like it, 90% of this world would rather sit on their ass, pop a miracle pill and let it work, who wants to put in an effort for anything these days???

YOU…yes YOU have to FORCE yourself when that alarm goes off DO NOT hit snooze, DO NOT delay, GET up, GET dressed and go on the jog you said you were going to go on. It takes your brain only 5 seconds to change your mind so if you get up right away and DO IT you won’t have time to change your mind, to make the start to change your life, to get what you want….

You as an adult are now responsible for yourself, it is your job to make yourself do the things you don’t want to do….you no longer have your parents making you do the things you don’t feel like doing, so you got to be the one to force yourself!!

Your brain has two sides to it Autopilot and the emergency break, on a daily basis we function on Autopilot but take yourself out of your normal everyday routine and out of your “comfort zone”…what happens? Your emergency break gets pulled so therefore anything different to your normal routine or anything that requires too much effort is going to need your own force from within to get your lazy ass to do it….

Routine is what kills a person, when you feel stuck in life it’s just a sign that one of your most basic needs in life is not being met and the ONLY WAY you can change that is once again – FORCE yourself to feel uncomfortable, take yourself out of your comfort zone…the first few seconds getting up and getting dressed for gym really suck but hey once you there and you’ve done the hour cardio you can’t tell me you don’t feel better right??They say it takes about 3 weeks to develop a habit so give your new venture at least that long -challenge yourself with 21days of forcing yourself and that eventually will become your “routine”.

The problem with people these days isn’t the idea of wanting to lose the weight because everyone has the idea, the problem is that they don’t act on it immediately and then you yourself sabotage that and KILL your own idea to better yourself…

So stop killing yourself and get dressed and go get what you want!