Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy NEW Year

So first of all, Happy New Year to everyone near and far...may 2014 be a year filled with hope, love and loads of happiness for everyone. I know it is going to be one HELL of a year for Wayne and I ~ we can't wait for this year to unfold!

As most of you know my blog page has been related to mostly fitness items and healthy recipes or eating healthy and since my last Fitness Bikini Competition in July I have been rather slack where that is concerned as well but that is about to change.

Although it is never an excuse (I am going to use it as one anyway), I was slightly depressed due to personal issues and well my usual routine of sleep, eat, work, gym, eat, sleep, gym etc. turned into sleep, eat, eat, eat, work, eat some more crap and come home to climb into bed and sleep. I had no will to do anything let alone gym or post blogs about anything. In a way it felt as though I had given up on life. The kilograms crept back on my toned body at a rapid rate and that made me even more miserable with life, the more disappointed I became in myself the more I ate and the more I wanted to hide from the world.( Please note, I am in no way complaining - this is all self inflicted) I am an emotional eater and unable to control my emotions, they always get the better of me, they control me.

Over the months, I developed heartburn, severe joint pain, bad skin, headaches, I had no energy or the will to do anything and then I started to struggle to sleep but that didn't stop me from laying in my bed and doing absolutely nothing.

Fast forward a few weeks and 12kg heavier in 4 months, I decided to go and visit Doctor Cary an Iridologist who diagnosed me with extremely high Toxin levels in my body, he said the amount of toxins displayed, it looked as though I was a person who had never gymed a day in my life and an immediate diet change was a must as I was a Diabetic waiting to happen! He cut out all coffee ,acidic foods, breads, sugars, alcohol etc. I never really stuck to it for longer than 2 weeks and didn't feel much of a change. I just didn't care to be honest.

I started eating healthy in the week, ate like a pig on weekends and still had no drive to get my fast expanding fat ass to the gym.

I took some leave during the festive season, trained once at the gym and twice at home during that time, enjoyed the sun, beaches and eating what I wanted. A few other interesting or exciting things happened, like Jenna and Tom came down for a holiday and spending time with them was great but wait for my other blog posts for all of those details and more.

So that was what was going on with me the last few months, just to get you all up to date with why Miss Hagan has been missing in action but more exciting blog posts to follow, I promise...

I even went to gym is that!