Thursday, September 26, 2013

Shut up and Squat

I am not a big fan of doing squats but I have come to terms with the fact that some things we need to learn to love to benefit ourselves at the end of the day.

Squats are actually great for a total lower body work out as they work most of the major muscle groups of the butt, hips and thighs and you can do squats anywhere with or without weights.

Here are some of the benefits of doing squats:

  • They tone your legs
  • Lift your butt
  • Strengthen your core muscles
  • Increase flexibility

Oh look you have an opinion, that I forgot to care about.

They say opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...but at the end of the day your asshole doesn't matter to me...

Chatting to my Bikiniboots family this morning on our chat group, we were all discussing the topic of opinions. Obviously being the fit family that we are, our discussions were based purely on the people(by people I mean some men and maybe some females) who have an opinion about how you look.For example a female shouldn't have muscles or lift weights, you know the usual retared mentality of people who live in a vacuum and believe woman are still meant to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

NEWS is 2013, it is time for you to step out of your bubble and catch a wake up some cases dudette.

Personally I feel the only time you can have an opinion on a topic is if you have expert knowledge on the topic you have an opinion about and who made you God.

Truth is whether you like it or not people are always going to have opinions. What you do with those opinions are entirely up to you.

I dont have an opinion about you being drunk every weekend and eating your Wimpy at 3am. Everyone has a choice in life about how they choose to live it, so what gives me the right to have an opinion about you and what gives you the right to have an opinion about me because I have muscles or a 6 pack and all you have is a bakers dozen under that baggy t-shirt you wearing?

Think about it, this world would be a far better place if people kept their opinions to themselves and allowed people to be happy doing what they do and looking how they look.

If you prefer the "Miss Italia" look to our "Fitness" look that is fine with us but we don't need to hear it, keep your opinion to yourself.

Thanking you Kindly,

We don't give a shit about your opinion.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Failure is NOT FINAL...unless you give up!

I’ve been feeling a little frustrated with myself since my competition in June and going on a rather fast paced downward spiral and being the only person attending my self-pity party. Being so out of control at times,not caring about what I eat or not being bothered if I skipped a day or two at the gym. I reached the point where I just wanted to give up, what’s the point I would tell myself.

So this motivation is to remind you that even if you have a set-back that does not mean you’ve failed. A setback can only catapult you into your comeback!

Failure is not final unless you give up!

There will always be set backs, obstacles and challenges in life. When it comes to fitness or being healthy, you will not always eat perfectly and work hard enough at the gym, hell you may even skip a few gym sessions to lay in your bed and watch series, but that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. You might gain a few kilograms and maybe lose a gram of muscle or two. You’ll have a binge night or weekend where you drink alcohol and eat enough junk to amount to your entire years’ worth of calorie quota, ok I am exaggerating a little but you get my drift!
But if you can still get up the next day or next week and say to yourself, “okay let’s try this again” then you have not failed. Like I said above, this can be applied to any aspect in your life. Maybe you didn’t get the job you were hoping for or maybe that relationship you were hoping would work out, didn’t…don’t give up. Keep working hard and eventually it will pay off. Failure only comes once you refuse to get back up, wipe the dirt off your knees and try again!

It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day!

Start your day the right your breakfast! I chose to start my day with some power oats
  • 30g Rolled oats
  • Sweetener
  • 1 Scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein
  • 1 Tbspn of Almond Nut Butter
  • 3 Strawberries

Breakfast is a must-do meal, it curbs cravings and gives me the energy I need to tackle my day. If you are the kind of person who does not eat breakfast, make the lifestyle change. I used to be one of those people and trust me I will never look back and skip a breakfast again.

I find that most breakfast boycotters are under the impression, "If I skip breakfast, I will lose weight"..Errmmm nope. If you skip a meal it could lead to overeating later on in the day. I find often when you become hungry from skipping a meal you tend to make incorrect choices(well I know I do) and you just grab anything to satisfy your hunger at that moment and this often results in you eating more calories than you would have if you had chosen to eat an appropriate healthy breakfast.

There is no such excuse as I do not have time to eat breakfast, there are plenty food items you could eat on the go, in your car on the way to work etc.

Whatever your breakfast choice is, just eat something!

Have a FAB day!


Monday, September 23, 2013


Monday's are amazing aren't they?

Well I guess how you choose to look at your Monday is what determines what your Monday is to you...a MOURNING or a MORNING.

Monday's to me mean a chance for a fresh new start, a chance to get it right!

Forget about the mistakes you made over the weekend.

Do not fret over that piece of cake that you ate, that perhaps you should not have eaten as it was not part of your calorie intake of the day. Reality is, that piece of cake is in the past and guess what?! You can't change it, so do not beat yourself up about it any longer...simply set your weekly goals and push yourself a little harder this coming week to achieve them.

Monday is always a chance to do it right! Make the change, be proud of yourself and make this a BOSS week!

NEVER let a Monday dull your sparkle....use it to your advantage!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Quinoa Banana Bread

Quinoa Banana Bread (Makes one loaf)


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs, plus
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 21/4 cups mashed bananas
  • 2/3 cup of xylitol sugar substitute or similar
  • 2/3 cup of cooked and cooled quinoa
  • 2 cups almond flour
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • cinnamon and nutmeg to taste
  • 1/2 cup of pecan nuts of walnuts (your choice)


  1.  Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius
  2. Prepare a loaf pan using spray and cook
  3. Cream the butter, sugar. Add the eggs and yolk and blend well. Add the banana, blend well. Mix the Quinoa with the banana mixture. Mix the dry ingredients together. Add the flour mixture to the banana mixture and stir until it is all incorporated. Add nuts. Pour into prepared pan.
  4. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out dry.

Nutritioal Facts (Per Serving - 68g)
Calories: 214
Protein: 6g
Carbohydrates: 22g
Fat: 3g