Monday, March 31, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 24

Dear Baby Loxton,

This week marked two firsts for you!

You attended your first Fitness Competition with us. We went to support your Aunt Monique, she competed in her first bikini fitness competition and she did so well - we are so proud of her!

The other first for you (and us) was attending a same sex marriage. We had so much fun and seeing Uncle Ruds and Uncle Luds getting hitched was just truly amazing - they are two beautiful souls who love each other so much ~ just like your mommy and daddy!

On an entirely different topic, YOUR room! Your changing table arrived this week, your dad picked up the floating shelves and your Pram ( that Oupa and Ouma bought you) at the shop and I ordered your mobile for your cot! I must just say that your room is coming along nicely...I am a little envious I won't lie, it is going to be pretty fabulous! I hope you are going to like it as much as we do.

Like clockwork you wake me up at 4am every morning, kicking and doing summersaults or something to that effect in my belly. So many people have told me that you will probably keep this schedule when you are born. I just wish I could go back to sleep for two more hours before I need to get up for work but once I am awake, I am awake.Mother nature is definately preparing me for your arrival.

We really can't wait to meet you little guy....not for 16 more weeks of course, but every kick and wriggle your daddy and I feel just makes us so excited!!!

I booked our 4D scan for this month...oohhhh we can't wait to see your handsome little face!

We can't wait to hold you either.


Your Mom

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks

Baby fun facts: The size of a cantaloupe! I won't lie I had to Google this, turns out here in South Africa we call this fruit a sweet melon, go figure! He weighs roughly 680grams at the moment, so they say but I am sure he weighs more than this considering he is slightly above average. Baby's see-through skin is becoming more opague thanks to small capillaries that have recently formed.

Pregnancy weight gain: In one week I have gained 1.5kg! I actually cannot wait to see the Doc as that doesn't seem healthy to me especially if all the websites are telling me I am currently way over my pregnancy weight gain mark and that I should be gaining roughly 500g per week only.... something seems horribly wrong here?!

Sleep: Crazy ass pregnancy dreams is all I am going to say.

Food cravings: Nothing to write home about

Food aversions: Still can't stomach a strange. Give me warm veg mmmhhhh but thanks, YUK!

Gender: B is for Boy!

Highlight of the week: Seeing your gorgeous Aunt Monique strutting her stuff on the stage. I know just how hard she worked to get into such great shape and seeing her gave me goosebumps. I even teared up, I am such a woos!

Movement: All day err day! Monday and Tuesday he gave mommy a little bit of a break with the shake, rattle and roll but that was short lived. Wednesday he kicked me so hard my vision distorted and I felt ill for a little while afterwards.

What am I looking forward to: As much as I am afraid of my dad going in for his operation, I am looking forward to it being a success and him being back to his normal self.

What I miss the most: Sushi and Wine...that is all. Okay I lied...fitting into my skinny jeans.

Worried about: I have a lot of worries but nothing worth mentioning. I am in a good space right now so mentioning these will just upset me.

Most excited about: Right now I am counting down the days until we get to see you at the 4D scan. I am dieing to see who you look more like! So exciting!

Making use of: Happy Event, Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.

Grateful for: My man! I give him such a hard time but he has so much love for me and would move heaven and earth for me and his little boy.