Friday, March 07, 2014

A reason, a season, or a lifetime...

One of the most valuable things I have learnt in my 30years of existence is that every person that comes into your life has come into it for a reason.

Whether it be to teach you a valuable lesson, help you become the best you that you can be or simply to test you.

Different people will teach you different things, but in every lesson you must always remember that life is too short to hold on to anger and spite. Take the lessons you learn in your past, and use them to help you better your future self.

Find it in your heart to give thanks to those people that perhaps caused you pain - they too taught you a lesson.

Dear John {name has been changed}

Thank you for showing me that I will not tolerate being talked down to,
Thank you for showing me that I am worth someones kindness and love,
Thank you for showing me that I deserve to be with someone who directs his affections to me and ONLY me,
Thank you for showing me that I deserve someone who cares about MY needs,
Thank you for showing me that I don't need to chase men to get them to see my worth and that I have value to offer someone,
Thank you for showing me that I don't have to try so hard all the time to deserve someones affection

and lastly thank you for teaching me how to set better boundaries in my future and to respect myself.