Monday, March 17, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 22

Dear Baby Loxton,

Oh sweet boy, you are SO loved! Not only by your mommy and daddy but by friends and family scattered all over the world! We are all so excited to meet you!

Aunty Jenna, Aunty Danielle, Aunty Monique, your Nana's(Grandmother's,Ouma's or whatever you will one day call them) and Great Nana have already spoilt you rotten with gifts - your cupboard is full!

You sure are growing at a rapid rate my "little"boy. I am getting bigger as the days go by and you are moving around non-stop now! With every thump I am reminded of what a miracle you truly are!

Your Uncle Jared has been gone for a week now already. It was sad to see him leave but boy am I so excited for his new adventures in Thigh-land (as Alan in "The Hangover" puts it).

We were out and about quite a bit over the weekend, I am exhausted today, I am not sure how you are feeling?!

You attended your first Hen/Stag party with us this Thursday past, it was so much fun! Friday we visited your Great Gramps and then on Saturday we went for a drive to Hout Bay with the family. Everyone couldn't resist and bought you something at the Naartjie Clothing Shop. We ate the famous Hout Bay fish and chips at Mariner's Warf and then we went to mommy's favourite Italian Ice-cream shop! Sunday we went to Church and then we carried on painting your room!

Exciting times ahead my angel! I almost want to say please hurry up so we can meet you now but don't listen to crazy old me as you have so much more growing to do and we have so much still to do before you arrive. We want to make your arrival as special as possible!

SO much love for you my baby boy!

Your Mom

22 Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks

Baby fun facts: Baby is roughly 30cm in length and weighs about 589grams. He is starting to have sleep cycles and will sleep about 12-14 hours a day, which means he is moving around the rest of the time - yip I sure know that is true! His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are more distinct and tooth buds are developing beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, the the irises (the coloured part) still lack pigment - Oh I sure hope he has his daddy's blue eyes!

Pregnancy weight gain: I managed to lose 1.6kg during the week but after the weekend...well let's just say I probably picked that back up and more lol - I confess I was too afraid to step on the scale this morning after the Fish and Chips, Ice-cream, Simba chips and the biscuits I ate, I doubt that even the Preggi Bellies home exercise DVD I am doing would help that PIG-OUT session!

Sleep: Not much.

Food cravings: Nope!

Food aversions: Nothing to report on.

Gender: It's a Baby BOY!

Highlight of the week: We had a pretty busy week and weekend. Everything was fun but the highlight was definitely seeing my tummy move when you kicked!

Movement: Yip, every day now and a few times a day!

What am I looking forward to: Seeing the final Nursery after we are done decorating!

What I miss the most: This week, I would have to say.....SUSHI!

Worried about: Having everything done before baby arrives but my mom has told me to stop stressing...We got this!

Most excited about: Decorating the nursery

Making use of: Bio-Oil, Happy Event,Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, USN Pure Protein, BCAA's

Grateful for: Experiencing yet another week with Baby Loxton growing inside of my tummy.