Wednesday, June 17, 2015

11 Months old today ~ Camden Kinglsey Loxton

The time has just gone too fast. I sound like a stuck record but it's the truth and totally how I feel. Camden is already 11 months old which means next month he will be an entire 1 year old and no longer our baby but our toddler! At least we will have all of these monthly posts to look back at because these days I don't even remember when Camden reaches a milestone, it all happens too fast as I mentioned above, how am I supposed to keep a mental note of it all?!

I mentioned last month that, that was our toughest month but this one takes the cake! This month has been tough and that is an understatement. We feel as though we have a newborn baby in the house again. Camden is going through some sort of "phase", I call it that because only the Lord knows what is going on with our little guy. His sleeping patterns are terrible along with his moods. We have a baby who sleeps through then we have a baby who wakes 5 to 6 times a night. We have the happiest boy to a boy who is crying and throwing tantrums. Teething? We don't know and we have given up guessing. We are completely exhausted and this kind of exhausted doesn't come close to how you feel when pulling all-nighters with friends out on the Town.

We feel like we are once again trying to adjust to being new parents and we want to spend all the time in the world with Camden so we don't miss out on anything but at the same time we sometimes wish 7pm would come because that means bed time for him and peace and quiet for us for a few hours until he wakes up and starts screaming again from around 2am and then that happens every hour on the hour until the alarm sounds for my 5am wake up call for work. I close my eyes at night and hear Camden cry but the poor child is fast asleep...yes I feel like I am losing my head at times but all it is, is sleep deprivation and I now understand why it is used as a torture technique LOL!

People say it gets easier but I think it definitely depends on the child. I don't want to sound like I am complaining. We love our boy, we are beyond blessed and all the happy moments outweigh the miserable ones but to hear "Oh my child has slept through from 4 months old" makes me want to pull my hair out in big chunks hahaha,  I guess I am human and I am not tired I am exhausted and pray for the day Camden gets over what phase this is and starts sleeping through like other kids at his age.

Camden is such an active boy, always on the go and exploring every nook and cranny. He leaves nothing unturned. I often sit and wonder what exactly goes on in that active mind of his.

When he is happy and laughing I cannot begin to explain how that makes me feel inside because it is the cutest thing to see and experience.

Just look at this face! I could eat him up. Hearing him laugh from the bottom of his belly brings me so much joy and it is that that makes all those crappy days worthwhile.

With Camden full on walking and being so tall we have to watch him like a hawk because he is able to reach pretty much everything off the counter tops including my GHD which I think I have put far away and out of reach on my dresser. We have had a few close moments where Cam could have burnt his little fingers. We have to be so careful!

Camden has an obsession with the Tupperware drawer and the washing machine. He is forever hanging half out of the machine and taking clothing in and out of it. I caught him recently trying to wash his blankie, well at least that is what it looked like he was trying to do.

How big?: Have absolutely no idea, his next check up is only on the 30th of July. I assume around 79cm and 12.5kg although he is way more active these days so he might not be gaining too much weight.

Clothing Size: Currently 18-24 months and some 2 to 3yr old clothing. Also depends on the brand of clothing.

Eating: Towards the end of this month there seemed to be slight dip in his eating. He went from a child who ate practically anything you put in front of him to a child who had gone off food completely and he has become sort of a fussy eater or refused to eat at all at some meals. Strange because Camden loves food. Give him a cracker and he would happily eat it but try to feed him yoghurt, veggies or even spaghetti, which he absolutely loves he refused and spat the food out all over himself and sometimes in your face too if he was throwing a fit about not wanting to eat. After getting upset a few times and not understanding this sudden change I decided to leave him, if he is hungry he will let us know right. He has been having way more bottles lately, he seems to be using his bottle as a comfort thing because he just wants to suck on the teat even when the bottle is empty.

Sleep: Still very up and down. No new breakthroughs to report on when it comes to his sleeping habits. He is still not sleeping through every night and we sometimes go an entire week with him waking up 4 to 5 times a night. Will this ever change?!

Movement: Walking all over the house by himself. His legs are still a little wobbly and he will fall from time to time but he then uses a wall, your leg or a chair to pick himself back up and off he goes again. Very seldom crawls these days.
  • Walking on his own, no assistance.
  • Dancing, by dancing I mean bouncing and swaying to the music from his toys
  • Sings non stop to himself, they teach them nursery rhymes at school so often if you pay attention to what he is signing you will hear the tune of "Bah-Bah black sheep"
  • Stands on his own.
  • Climbs off the bed and couch by himself, his legs are not yet long enough for him to climb back on even though he tries.
Eleven months post-partum:

Disappointed that after 11 months I am still not where I had planned to be physically but such is life and not everything goes according to plan and this is what I am slowly having to accept. I have 8 and a bit months left to fit in a wedding dress and as much as that is a problem for me I am trying to not focus on it being a problem.