Monday, March 24, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 23

Dear Baby Loxton

Well where do I begin?!

This week has been a rather stressful one for mommy and daddy. On Monday your daddy's grandfather passed away. We are very sad you will not get to meet him but we know he will be watching over you from above. Wednesday mommy's uncle had a heart attack and had to have an emergency triple bypass and then on Thursday mommy's father(your grandfather) was rushed to the ER. Your daddy has also been sick with man will one day understand what I mean by man flu.

Things have just been really crazy but we are believing that God is in control and if we cast our worries on to him, all will be okay little one.

Besides all of that, this week has me realizing that we will have a newborn(YOU) in the house in just over 4 months and I am reeling about that just a little. We have a long list of things we still need to do and even though I am in the "easiest trimester" I am finding myself rather stressed out but excited.

So excited to meet you little guy.


Your Mom

How far along: 23 weeks

Baby fun facts: The size of a grapefruit! Baby's ability to see, hear, smell and taste and feel are developing stronger every day. He is definitely recognizing daddy and mommy's voice.

Pregnancy weight gain: I am so up and down in this department, more up than down it seems lately. At 23 weeks I am now a whopping 10.5kg up and growing. Belly is starting to really resemble a pregnant gut and not just an "has she gained weight" bump lol.

Sleep: Some nights are good, others not so good.

Food cravings: Still nothing

Food aversions: Nothing to report on.

Gender: Our "little Wayne"

Highlight of the week: We had a rather sad and stressful week this week but we still managed to smile and remember all the good times with the people we love. Seeing your room "come to life" has been a big highlight for me!

Movement: Our little man is SO active lately and the way he is laying currently he is managing to kick right on my bladder.

What am I looking forward to: My baby shower, the nursery furniture arriving, baby arriving...I could carry on for days!

What I miss the most: Honestly? Being thin and being able to actually pull in my stomach.

Worried about: As I have mentioned, it has been a rather stressful week. I am just praying that all will be okay with my Uncle and Dad...believing in God and having FAITH.

Most excited about: Attending my friend Rud's wedding in a week and a bits time. It will be my first "same sex" marriage and I have honestly never met a couple more in love than these two beautiful souls.

Making use of: Happy Event, Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.

Grateful for: SO much. I may struggle to show it but I am ever so grateful for the amazing people in my life.