Monday, March 03, 2014

Hydrate yoself!

Before falling pregnant I used to drink on average 3.5L of water per day and since falling pregnant that has decreased drastically and no mater how much I try to drink enough ( well enough in my mind), I just cannot seem to reach the normal 3.5L per day. I now average 1.5L per day and maybe 2L on a good day, if the water is not frozen or with crushed ice I struggle to drink it.

I did a bit of research on this topic. You see once I know something and its importance, it kind of forces me to do it otherwise I am left feeling guilty for not doing it - if that makes sense?!

Why is it so important to stay hydrated during pregnancy?

( Hydration = water)

  1. Water helps with the transport of nutrients to you and your baby and helps carry waste products away from your baby.
  2. Water helps manufacture and renew the amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby.
  3. Keeping hydrated is good for YOU too as it supports liver and kidney function, prevents constipation and the big one for me, it helps flush out bacteria that trigger pregnancy urinary tract infections. ( Touch wood, this has not happened to me in years but I used to suffer really badly with bladder infections - around 3 a month at least. I am not taking the chance!)
  4. Drinking plenty of water helps combat water retention - go figure :-/
  5. Combats dry skin, keeping you hydrated from the inside out.
They say that 2.2L of water per day is sufficient but I am sure everyone differs. I for one feel dehydrated if I do not get at least 3L of water in daily so I have been suffering of late and this needs to change fast!

Water is the healthiest to drink but if you are like me lately and find it hard to drink your quota for the day, squeeze a bit of lemon or lime into your water, I find on days that I do this - it helps me loads!

For those of you that are not pregnant and struggle in this department too - Supashape has these amazing flavour infusions to flavour your water.

Other options:
  • Milk is also something you could drink (in moderation if you are drinking full cream, I reckon) as it is packed with calcium, omega 3 and vitamin D & K
  • If you are going to drink fresh fruit juice, remember that 1 small glass counts as one daily fruit and veg portion. Some fruit juices are also loaded with sugar so be careful.
  • Alcohol they say in moderation after your first trimester, I am not sure how you feel about this but I have just avoided alcohol all together because what may be moderation for one person is not moderation for the next.
  • Caffeine is to be limited to 200mg per day. For example 1 Cup of instant coffee = 100mg of Caffeine.
My point is drink water, it's good for you and the baby!