Sunday, July 17, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday to our wild child!

Where'd our baby go?!

Two whole years ago today at 08:06am our gorgeous boy was born and we cannot believe that today 
he is 2!

As all mothers, I am rather emotional at the thought of how fast he is growing up. How is it even possible that he is two years old already. It feels just like yesterday that I was typing his first birthday blog post.

Not so long ago we were celebrating the fact that he was running everywhere instead of walking - and now? He is totally fearless and such a thrill seeker! I used to be nervous of all the crazy things he does, like climbing to the highest point on his Oupie's ladder but I gave up on him pushing the boundaries. He is such a boy and I have to accept the fact that "Boys will be boys".

He is counting, singing nursery rhymes and lining us all up to do races, counting to three and saying go. I can't believe what an independent little guy he has become in such a short space of time, he doesn't need us much anymore to help him do things, he feeds himself and insists on brushing his own teeth....except he does expect us to get on our knees and play cars or ride on his bike while he rides on his push car and we have to chase him. I am waiting for the day when his bike wheels give in under our weight but he refuses to understand this..."SIT" he will say with that usual frown on his face and pat the seat of the bike and best you sit. Quite the bossy boots.

He is one of a kind, seeing him grow and develop at the rate that he has, has been amazing. His love for life, his excitement of small everyday things is too cute and cars are by far his favourite! Every day when he sees one of his toy cars he freaks out and jumps around shouting "Car car" as if it was the first car and the first time he has ever seen a car, it is too funny.

His excitement when I get the chance to collect him from his Educare and he spots me, runs into my arms and shouts "Mama, yay" makes my heart so happy.

He is such a tough little boy, extremely hard headed at times and I often have to watch out for the flying car that is headed straight for my head when he is mid tantrum but the moments he is smiling, laughing and filled with joy are too precious and those moments make up for all the tough ones.

No matter how difficult these last two years have been for me, he always puts a smile on my face and he is the reason I am able to get through the tough times.

I am so grateful for this amazing little boy that God blessed us with!