Monday, May 19, 2014

A love and appreciation letter to my Baby Daddy ~ Wayne

Dear Wayne,

I say so many things to you but I rarely say the one's that matter....

I ask you to help wash the dishes or hang up the washing.

I ask you to pick up my vitamins from the pharmacy when I run out but what I don't tell you is...

I love the way you hold me tight even when you feel my ADD self pulling away to go and do something more practical.

I love the way that no matter what pregnancy hormones are surging through my body, you simply smile and tell me how much you love me.

I love the way that when we bicker you are the one to say you are sorry first, most of the time - and I know this is because no matter what, fighting with me is one of the worst things for you in the world.

I love the way you tell me every day how beautiful I am and you don't get upset or stop telling me so when I reply by saying I think you are blind.

I love that you would drop what you are doing in a flash to do something for me.

I love that from the word go you have been a hands on dad (to be)
I love the fact that you want the best life for us and you will stop at nothing to make that happen.

I love the fact that you would give your last just to see a smile on my face but most of all

I love the fact that you want to be the perfect dad for our Lil my eyes you already are and I know in my heart he is going to feel the same.

I appreciate you more than words can say and I love you to the moon and back.

Love Tarrin