Friday, April 18, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 26

Dear Baby Loxton,

Just short of 100 days to go until you arrive my boy! It feels like just the other day that you were a tiny little sesame seed embryo.

We got a sneak peak of you at the check up on Tuesday. Aaawwww! My heart melts every time I see you or hear that little heart beat.You were not happy with the Doc though when she pushed on my tummy ~ you kicked back a few times as if to tell her to back off...hahaha!

You are of course slightly above average in length and weight....our little champ! You are weighing in at 1186grams and an average baby (according to a few websites I checked out) is weighing around 760-900grams at 26 weeks but as they say every baby and pregnancy is different. I won't lie after our appointment I felt more at ease as to why I am feeling so big.

So far mommy has no swollen ankles and I am crossing my fingers that this pregnancy symptom escapes me! My blood pressure is back to normal so you will not be arriving any time soon. You are snug as a bug in a rug and we are so happy that all is fine and still on track.

These days when people ask me how I am feeling, the only thing I can think of is huge. A lot of the things I used to do are slowly becoming an effort these days, especially trying to shave my legs or lace up my trainers but at the same time I am just really trying to enjoy every minute with you in my tummy because I know I am going to miss being pregnant!

This week has been another busy one but no matter how big I may feel, I feel great. Your gramps came home from the hospital on Tuesday - yay! Another reason to smile this week.

I ordered a little Ellie night light for you on and oh em gee I was so excited when it arrived, your daddy and I were ooohhhing and aaahing at its cuteness! Confession time....we sat in your nursery in the dark and put on the Ellie night light to check out all the cool settings, we hope you don't mind.

Your gramps put up your shelves in your nursery this weekend too. Your room is really starting to take shape and it looks really cool.

We cannot wait for you to see all the cute things we have found for you.

You have our heart little one


Your mom

How far along: 26 weeks

Baby fun facts: Our baby boy is weighing a whopping 1186grams! Quite the little beast hehehe. His eyes are starting to open, I wonder what colour they are going to be?! Blue like his daddy or green like his mommy?

Pregnancy weight gain: So weird the last two weeks my tummy has looked smaller than previous weeks but not this week. This week alone I managed to gain 200grams,then lose 400grams and then gain 1kg and then I just stopped weighing myself. I spoke to my gynae about it at my check up and I explained my concerns to which she just laughed and told me not be concerned as I am not a short lady and neither is this baby going to be small. According to her 12kg is not what I should be hoping to gain during my pregnancy. Sigh!

Sleep: Great this week! * Please note Wayne was given his own pregnancy pillow by our friend Monique, so we are both sleeping well ~LOL*

Food cravings: Nothing.

Food aversions: Nothing really just salad and I am managing to stomach chicken as long as it is crumbed - not so healthy but hey at least I can eat chicken again.

Gender: Snips and snails and puppy dog tails ~ that's what little BOYS are made of!

Highlight of the week: Seeing our little guy on the scan. Spending quality time with the family at my grandparents house for Good Friday celebrations.

Movement: Loads.

What am I looking forward to: 4D scan later this month. I am taking my grandfather with and he is so excited. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, he has been diagnosed with Liver cancer and the Doctor cannot tell us how long we have left with him. I am praying everyday that he gets to meet our little guy. I know he would love nothing more than to meet him. He has been asking me for ages,when I am going to give him great grandchildren as he isn't getting any younger.

What I miss the most: Being as active as I used to be. These days I struggle to breathe and 30min of cardio kills me.

Worried about: Nothing

Most excited about: My baby shower which is approaching, the 4D Scan and our maternity shoot.

Making use of: Happy Event, Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.

Grateful for: Having my grandfather in my life for another week.