Monday, February 17, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 18

Dear Baby Loxton,

The weeks are seriously just flying by baby! 

I hope you are getting as excited to meet me as I am to meet you.

Your uncle Jared leaves for Thailand soon and I am so excited for him but also sad that you may not get to meet him until you are much older and that kind of sucks but we can't hold him back from exploring and we will travel to Thailand to visit him. 

I can't wait for you to explore and to see Thailand with is the most beautiful place (to me), well besides your beautiful soon to be home town, Cape Town, Thailand is just amazing.

Love you SO much,

Your Mom

18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks

Baby fun facts: Baby is weighing about 190grams this week and is roughly 14cm long from head to bottom!They say the size of a sweet potato to be exact, I guess they mean a large sweet potato.

Pregnancy weight gain: Oh dear we are up to a whopping 6.6kg with roughly 22 weeks to go - KILL me now. They say from week 20 you should gain around 0.45g per week...HELLO! That will mean that I gain 16.5kg in total...I think I feel sick to my stomach.

Sleep: Nothing has changed much in this department

Food cravings: Could Food in general be a craving, if so then yes..any food and I will be your best friend. Hungry is just an understatement these days.

Food aversions: I have managed small amounts of chicken and salad - so maybe this will get better. This isn't a food aversion but bad smells are really getting me gagging strange!

Gender: Soon Soon.....

Highlight of the week: Spending time with my grandfather!This may sound boring to you all but our family cannot be sure of how long my gramps has left to live so each day with him is a highlight in my life and a gift.

Movement: Just those muscle twitches I reported last time.

What am I looking forward to: The Doctor to confirm that my dad just has a cyst on his brain and that it is benign....we are holding thumbs!

What I miss the most: My clothes fitting comfortably.

Worried about: Sometimes my list of worries seems to go on forever but worry gets a person nowhere. Even though my list of worries is long, today I am going to say nothing because God is in control.

Most excited about: This may sound strange - but my little brother leaving for Thailand. I am going to miss him SO much, we have really become close the last 5 months but I am so excited for him to start this teaching adventure in Thailand...and I must confess I am slightly envious of him as this is something I always wanted to do yet put off because of people not wanting me to go or people telling me it isn't a good idea...yes you get my drift, most of my life I have lived trying to please people and not myself....I am working on this every day.

Making use of: Bio-Oil, PregoMega Plus, Vitamin C, USN Pure Protein, BCAA's, Pegasus Sleep and my PREGGI PILLOW.

Grateful for: My family!