Monday, February 03, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 16

Dear Baby Loxton,

So you are the size of an Avo now they say...Avo I love Avo, especially on pizza. I hope you like pizza one day just as much as your dad and I love pizza!

Your dad and I were talking recently about traveling. We have traveled the world a lot already, but separately unfortunately we have not yet had the opportunity to travel together. We were hopefully going to plan a trip this year but we have put that on hold and are anxiously awaiting your arrival. We look forward to traveling the world with you soon!

The world has so many opportunities and places to visit. It makes me sit back and wonder what you will be and do when you grow up.

The world is your oyster my baby!

Love you more each day.

Your Mom

Um, hello! 16 weeks already?!

Would time mind standing still for just one second..if that is not too much to ask of course. The fact that I have been so busy at work has made the time seem like it is going by at an extremely fast pace. I haven't had much time to myself lately, feel as though I am on the go ALL the time.

I have been rather miserable and on edge this week. I reckon it is due to the fact that I feel as though I have cravings but I have no idea what I am craving..strange but true. Perhaps I am just really hungry lately.

It has also been a rather emotional and sad week for me. My grandfather ( aka Beeba) has been diagnosed with stage 3 Liver Cancer and Doctors have given him 3-6 months to live. I write this with tears in my eyes as it breaks my heart. I couldn't picture my child growing up perhaps never even meeting this man...a true legend in my life. I love him with ALL of my heart!

Moving on to a happier topic - I went for a checkup at my gynae this week. All is well, we heard babies heart beat and Doc was happy with all at the visit. Mom is healthy and so is baby. Smiles all around! (No he did not scan, that we will do on the 13th of March)

16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks

Baby fun facts: Baby is the size of an Avo this week and weighs around 100grams.

Pregnancy weight gain: Weight gain after just the weekend was a whopping 1.4kg! Possible due to the fact that I ate like a pig and had a large pizza all to myself...miss piggy!

Sleep: Better but still nothing to write home about. My dreams are crazy but I am only getting up once a night to wee now - yay for that!

Food cravings: I think I am craving FOOD in general...I want something but I cannot for the life of me tell you what that is - so frustrating.

Food aversions: Still Chicken and anything salad!

Gender: Almost there...3 more weeks and then you will know.

Highlight of the week: Spending time with my grandfather! Appreciating the fact that I have had him in my life for over 30 years. I tell you I am one lucky girl to have him as my grandfather!

Movement: Nope....

What am I looking forward to: The scan on the 13th of March.

What I miss the most: The at home when I have the energy just isn't the same..think it is time to change that.

Worried about: They say you shouldn't worry, cast your fears onto Jesus and he will take care of them for you.

Most excited about: Getting confirmation on Baby Loxton's gender.

Making use of: Bio-Oil, PregoMega Plus, Vitamin C, Supashape Diet Whey, USN Pure Protein, BCAA's, Pegasus Sleep and my PREGGI PILLOW.