Monday, February 10, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 17

Dear Baby Loxton,

You and mommy have had one busy week!

We have been back and forward to the hospital, visiting your great grandfather. We enjoyed a picnic with dad, a braai with Aunty Monique and Uncle Martin and you attended yet another educational :)

I hope you are learning as much as I am from these educationals....then you can help me out when you arrive hehehe or is this wishful thinking on my behalf?!

It has been a good week, a few times I have even thought I felt you move but I cannot be sure.

Lots of love

Your Mom

17 Weeks

How far along: 17 weeks

Baby fun facts: Baby is weighing about 140grams this week and is nearly 13cm long from head to bottom!

Pregnancy weight gain: 5.4kg to date! So roughly 0.31grams per week so far. Weight is climbing at a rapid rate and if I keep this up I will be feeling about as sexy as a hippo in a thong :-/

Sleep: Same story different day. I long for those nights that I used to be able to fall asleep easily and sleep until 11am...those days are definitely a thing of the past and baby has not even arrived yet.

Food cravings: I think it is safe to say from the amount of cheese we now go through in the house that this is definitely what I am favouring during this is SO delicious!

Food aversions: Still Chicken but hey hey..NEWS FLASH, I ate a little bit of salad this week - YOU GO GIRL!

Gender: I bet some of you wish the 13th of March would just hurry itself up already!

Highlight of the week: Spending time with my grandfather!

Movement: Feels as though I have muscle twitches around the left side of my belly button and some days it feels as though I have things crawling under my skin on my belly -  but I cannot be sure if this is baby or not. It is difficult to tell when you don't know what you are waiting for.

What am I looking forward to: Besides the scan on the 13th of March, I cannot wait to start decorating babies room!

What I miss the most: To be honest, I can't say it is something I really miss because as we grow we lose friendships and life goes on but this week I sat back and reflected on life in general and it saddened me in a way to realise who my true friends are but it made me happy in another sense because I now have a life filled with real wholesome friendships and I smile knowing my life just gets better and better every day.

Worried about: My grandfather, but casting my fears onto God, it is totally in his hands.

Most excited about: Becoming a MOM and the Anomaly scan coming up!

Making use of: Bio-Oil, PregoMega Plus, Vitamin C, USN Pure Protein, BCAA's, Pegasus Sleep and my PREGGI PILLOW.

This week I want to add a "Grateful for"section...

Grateful for: My mom and Wayne - they have been nothing but supportive, loving and my best friends during this time.