Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What gets me going....

Listen we all have our off days and I guess I seem to be having more off days these days but how I cope with these will have a huge impact on my end result, workouts, eating clean and goals. Motivating myself is necessary to get me past these off days so I can keep focusing on what I want my outcome to be at the end of it.

It has been a long hard road for me, trying to lose fat, gain muscle, eat right, be a healthier me but to achieve the results or goals I want I know I have to put in the hard work – blood, sweat and tears!!! Most days I feel like giving up, trust me but I won’t because I know in the end it is all going to be worth it! Looking in the mirror seeing results makes me want to work harder.

Some things that help me stay motivated or get myself motivated when I am feeling down are:I keep a fat photo of myself handy to look at every now and then to remind myself of how far I have come – do I want to go backwards – NO!

I speak to like-minded friends – they will quickly smack you back into line…TRUST ME I KNOW…

I do research on nutrition, fat loss or muscle gain.

I look at motivational sayings and pictures of fitness models I would like to aspire to be like one day – nothing gets my fire burning more than seeing someone who looks better than me, it makes me want to work that much harder to get to where I want to be!

I ask questions – people in the fitness industry (ok well most) are happy to share their experiences with you, their ups and downs they have had, what they feel works best – if you don’t know and something is getting you down – ASK! No question is a stupid question!

I change things up a little at gym or do some outdoor cardio – cardio can be so boring so if you spice things up and make it more fun – you will want to do it more….instead of doing a boring hour cardio session in the gym go climb Lions Head…you get your blood pumping and you get to do it in fresh air and nature!!! Or get a friend to do outdoor sprints with you or climb Clifton 4th beach stairs over and over…get creative!

I change my resistance training routine often – I like to change things up every 6weeks…keep your muscles guessing and this will make sure you put in the effort for your entire workout and not give up half way or put in a half hearted attempt because you are bored out of your mind!

Eat to meet long term goals NOT short term Satisfaction….think before you put something you shouldn’t be eating in your mouth – make the right choices….it will be worth it in the end…it may be tough in the beginning but once you see the results – nothing is more rewarding!

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” Wayne Dyer