Thursday, November 24, 2011

Every New Day is another chance to change your life….

Morning to all you fitness freaks, friends, family….whoever is reading this…it’s a another great day in Cape Town and another great day in my life so why not smile cause you’re alive right!?

Here are a few things I try to live by and maybe you would find these useful to add to your daily lifestyle…use it don’t use it?!!

# Eat what you want BUT remember everything in moderation….sooooo if you having that chocolate craving, buy yourself a slab of Lindt 85% Cocoa Chocolate BUT limit yourself to two blocks ONLY (you  can do it – you know you can!)

# Drink Loads of water everyday…..I try to drink no less than 4L per day J

# Exercise until you sweat or feel the burn….if you leaving the gym breaking no sweat….then you doing it wrong!

# Rest well….get plenty of beauty sleep and remember during sleep your body produces GH (growth hormone) which is largely responsible for tissue growth and repair

Enjoy your Thursday everyone and we one day closer to the weekend baby!