Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Ignite the fire within....

Well it sure has been a while...there is no excuse, I have been in hiding, went off the rails for a while there but I am back on track!!

6 weeks and counting until my UK friends arrive and I better look like something in a bikini!! I made a promise to myself to not be the one on the beach this summer covering up with a T-shirt. I would be the one playing bat and ball on the beachso let's do this!

Yesterday got off to a great start - healthy eating and a great gym sesh listening to my hard Style set got me going!It felt great walking out the gym - (as we say in CPT) SOP NAT! I can honestly say there is no better feeling walking out of gym having worked your heini off!

My Daily food intake consisted of the following:

Meal 1: 30g Oats
Meal 2: 90g chicken breast and sweet potato
Meal 3: 110 g of tuna, tomato, cucumber and 2tbspn ight mayo
Meal 4: 1 x Fat Free Plain yoghurt
Meal 5: 2 scoop of HMT Protein Shake
Meal 6: 90g lean Mince and Garden Salad

My Gym routine yesterday - Back and Biceps followed by 30min Cardio : A girl crushed that sesh!

1.       Rows (seated machine rows) 30/37 kg 3 sets of 15 or more
Face Pulls with rope 3 sets of 15

2.        Angled Rows (seated row machine) 30/37 kg 3 sets of 15 or more
Close grip pulldowns on lat pulldown machine (face the other way  - pull down) 25/30kg 3sets of 15

3.        Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 30/35kg 3 sets of 15 or more
Upright rows on Standing back machine use a 15kg plate weight 3sets of 15 or more

4.        Bent over rows 20kg 3 sets of 15 or more
Cables 5kg 3sets of 15 or more

5.        Bicep Curls 8kg dumbbell 3 sets of 8 on one arm, 8 on the other arm and then 8 alternating

6.        Bicep curl with straight bar 10 and 15kg 3sets of 12 one after the other

7.         21’s 15kg 3 sets
8.    Hammer curls 6kg 10 reps per arm 3 sets
Then it was 30min Orbitrek...
Was an Epic workout and I am even more amped today for Chest and Tri's - BRING IT ON!!!
Train Insane or remain the same...