Monday, June 23, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 36

Dear Baby Loxton,

As I am typing this I am just on 36 weeks and 6 days, I like to write my weekly posts once I have experienced the week I am referring to. This means that you are due in less than ONE month...LESS than ONE month!

I literally cannot wrap my mind around the fact that you will be here soon. A part of me wants to keep you comfy in my belly forever but the other part is filled with such excitement that soon I will be holding you in my arms! WOW...mind blowing!

I've been so sick with Bronchitis this week and stayed in bed most of the weekend which got my mind racing and of course, me being me, I started to have a mild panic attack - what if I am not ready. Silly me...of course I am ready, I may feel nervous because I am going to be a first time mom and there will be loads of "firsts" for me but it's ok...I've got this. I keep reminding myself that I am going to try my best and my best will be good enough for you.

Sunday your dad and I "celebrated" our one year anniversary. I say "celebrated" because I was too sick to really celebrate but I managed to get out of bed and get dressed to take a drive to the beach and have some ice-cream...I couldn't taste much but getting out was a dream after being stuck in the house for a few days...doctors orders. We have decided we will celebrate when I am feeling 100% better.

Enjoy your last month inside.


Your Mom

36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks

Baby fun facts: The size of a watermelon...sounds about right by the way I look in the above picture! He is getting closer to breathing on his own and as of next week he is "Full term"
Pregnancy weight gain: Didn't get on the scale this week. It is far too depressing.

Sleep:  Hard to sleep when you can't find a position you are comfortable in for longer than 30 min at a time. For the first time I wished Wayne and I had separate beds..just until I give birth and don't need so much room as he takes over the bed most nights and me being the light sleeper that I am feels his every move etc.

Food cravings:  I felt like ice-cream on Sunday, does that count as a craving?

Food aversions: No major food aversion.

Gender: A boy

Highlight of the week: Our one year anniversary
Movement: Starting to become uncomfortable. The slightest move from him hurts quite a bit but I don't want to sound like I am complaining. I welcome these movements as I know he is alright inside there still.
What am I looking forward to: Besides holding my baby boy in my arms. I am looking forward to going on leave.

What I miss the most: Gym!!! Feeling and looking as fit as a fiddle.

Worried about: This delivery has gotten me a bit shaken. I think it is because I am now waiting and not sure what I am waiting for or how eina this experience is going to be. Also everyone I know from week 36 starts to go for weekly check ups and my gynae is like...."No I will see you again in 3 weeks" hello that is like a week before my due date...what if I go into well then I guess i just go to the labour ward but a part of me was hoping I would have some form of warning from her when she does her examinations. They usually tell you, your cervix has thinned out or you have dialated slightly but I will get non of this! I am slightly freaked out...can you tell?

Most excited about: Too much to mention.

Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins. 

 Grateful for: What is there NOT to be grateful for!!! is great...bronchitis and all!