Monday, June 09, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 34

Dear Baby Loxton,

We getting closer and closer to term, eeeeekkkk, cue freak out!

This week, even though it was another great week I definitely started to feel more along the lines of 60 years old vs. the 31 years that I actually am! The aches and pains have definitely increased and I feel as though I have arthritis in my fingers and they look like fat little sausages BUT on a high note my cankles have returned to ankles again, I am over the moon about this!

Our hospital bags are packed and ready to go just in case you decide to arrive early and I am just glad that, that is out of the way. I still have one or two things, like my UIF forms to complete but then I am pretty much ready and waiting to just go on leave from work and CHILL out...because I can. LOL who am I trying to kid knowing myself this won't happen though as I will end up spring cleaning the house...I do not know how to sit still.

I was pretty bleak this weekend as your dad and I had these big plans to go and watch Armin Van Buuren in JHB, he is one of mom's favourite DJ's but we had to sell the tickets as I was told I couldn't fly at the risk that something may go wrong or I may go into labour. Such a let down BUT I soon got over it at the reminder that you are almost here...that made me smile...enough said! Daddy and I also went out on a date night which was awesome and much needed.

We celebrated father's day at your great grandparents house, your great gran cooked up a storm and we all ate like Kings. It was so yummy and I could tell that you sure enjoyed the meal by the amount of kicking and movement going on in my belly while I was eating - nothing better than a home cooked meal!

My mind has been consumed lately by the thought of "When will he arrive, when will he decide he wants to make his way into the real world" - I wish I knew the exact date you would be arriving, I am not really one for surprises but I have accepted the fact that I just have to wait it out.

Enjoy your last few weeks in there Lil man.

Mom loves you!

34 Weeks ~ You can stop growing Lil man! Mom is big enough!

How far along: 34 weeks

Baby fun facts: Weighing in around the size of an average spanspek, feels more like I am carrying a bowling ball around in there. Most of his organs are matured at this week except for his lungs, which continue to produce surfactant and practice breathing movements for his BIG arrival day.
Pregnancy weight gain: Not even interested to get on the scale. HUGE is the only word that comes to mind.

Sleep:  Last week was better, this week...not so much! Struggling with major joint and pubic bone pain. Every time I move the sound of my bones cracking wake me up as I moan from the pain.

Food cravings:  A bit of a sweet tooth this week but nothing major

Food aversions: Nothing

Gender: Baby Boy

Highlight of the week: Date night with Wayne and spending fathers day at my grandparents and seeing my gramps smile like a little boy when he opened his gifts. No matter how sick he is, he managed to tell my gran she may not touch his treats, those are his. SO Typical lol!
Movement: Lots of movement and now he is starting to stretch his legs and arms out and it is the weirdest feeling ever. Wayne was "high-fiving" him the other night, most amused by the way our lil guy was pushing his hand out in my was kind of a gross feeling for me.
What am I looking forward to: Baby Loxton's arrival.

What I miss the most: Feeling 31 and not like I am 60

Worried about: My gramps :'(

Most excited about: Having this baby, being at home and hitting the gym!

Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins. 

 Grateful for: Having a roof over my head this winter. It is so cold outside. Poor homeless people.