Monday, June 16, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 35

Dear Baby Loxton,

I have taken a slight blogging break due to the increased work load here at work the last few weeks. I need to make sure everything is sorted and in its place before I depart on my journey to become a mommy ~ to YOU!

My days seems shorter and my nights seem so long. I think it has to do with the fact that I have way too much work to fit into my 9 hour working day and I am in terrible pain at night when I sleep so the hours at night seem to drag on forever.

Monday was a Public Holiday and I took full advantage of it. A day spent chilling out and boy did I sure enjoy every minute of it.

Tuesday was a very special day, it was the day that one of mommy's dearest friends gave birth to her baby boy Elijah James Esser. He is such a cutie and I cannot wait for you boys to one day meet each other. They live in China so you won't get to see him often unfortunately but I am so excited for you to meet him.

Friday we took another trip to the gynae for a check up. I was 35 weeks and 5 days on Friday. You were head down still ( a good thing) and weighing in at 3kg already! All was fine and you seem rather cozy in signs of you making an appearance anytime soon. You often back your bum high up on my right side and almost tuck yourself away under my right rib cage. Your daddy and I have this little joke that you perhaps see light down below, seeing that you are head down and then you back up as if to say..." No, sorry I am not ready to leave yet" Truth is you have a few more weeks left in there so you sit tight for as long as you like.

This week, come to think of it was quite a busy one. Saturday I had breakfast with some of my girl friends and then you attended your first Kiddies party with us. I hope I ate all the sweets and cakes that you enjoy lol. McKenzie turned 6 years old - WOW time sure does go way too fast. It feels like she was born just the other day. She can't want to meet you, every time I see her she rubs my tummy and hopes to feel you move but you never do.

Sunday your daddy and I went on a mini date day. We went to the movies to watch 22 Jump Street. It was so funny. Your daddy and I have decided to try spend as much QT together before you arrive as we know we are going to have to adjust the first few weeks of your life. We are so excited for that!!!!

Until next week Lil man...


Your Mom

35 Weeks and it looks like I am storing nuts in my cheeks for the winter LOL

How far along: 35 weeks

Baby fun facts: Weighing in at 3kg this week and they say he should gain, according to the chart that the gynae has been mapping his growth out on, roughly 150-200 grams per week so we are looking at a birth weight of approximately 3.7 to 4kg that is if I carry him to full 40 week term. This of course isn't accurate and I feel he will weigh around 3.8kg at birth and not over 4kg as the gynae has been predicting he might. He is responding to the music I play in the car on the way to work. I assume those must either be the songs he enjoys or he is telling me to please turn it off...hahaha!
Pregnancy weight gain: I got on the scale this week and I nearly had a heart attack! 18kg and I say that with tears in my eyes. I managed to lose 2.2kg during the week but I can guarantee I gained it all again at McKenzie's party with all the cake I ate. Rather depressing thinking of the baby weight I am going to have to lose when he arrives but once again, I wouldn't change this experience for the 18kg I have gained.

Sleep:  Terrible

Food cravings:  No major cravings. This pregnancy has been pretty boring when it comes to that. I haven't been one of those women who want to eat pickles dipped in ice-cream for example and I guess I can be thankful for that as I might be 40kg heavier then.

Food aversions: No major food aversion.

Gender: A little Prince

Highlight of the week: The birth of Baby Elijah James Esser
Movement: I am starting to believe that this really depends on his mood because some days he never stops moving and the other days I freak out as I feel hardly any movement at all. Without fail he hiccups at least 5 times a day and it is a rather weird feeling considering that he is head down...I shall leave the rest to your imagination.
What am I looking forward to: The day he decides to arrive!

What I miss the most: Gym. The last few weeks all I have wanted to do is hit an epic gym session, the kind where you leave the gym not able to walk and looking as though you took a dive in the gym swimming pool - you know that kind of session?! Being told to take it easy from about week 18 has killed me slowly.

Worried about: Mmmhh surprisingly nothing this week. I have made peace with the fact that my gramps is going to pass away one day and I have promised to prepare myself as much as possible for this day but to not worry about it anymore. He is here still and each day I have on this earth with him still alive is the biggest blessing from God.

Most excited about: Baby Loxton's arrival and getting back to gym!

Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins. 

 Grateful for: God's constant blessings over the last 35 weeks! Man, He blows my mind on a daily basis with his blessings!