Thursday, August 16, 2012

When in doubt google...something I live by

I definitely live up to the phrase "When in doubt Google", come to think of it I am not ever sure how I lived without it! Ok, so perhaps that was why I was slightly thinner back in the days before my 20's when I got fat because I would walk to the Library instead of sit at my PC and ask it to throw some info at me at the touch of a button..LOL I actually had to put in the effort to go find out.

Well thanks I sat and pondered on something that bothered me, people being spiteful/vindictive for no reason and how to deal with people who perhaps don't like you no matter how hard you try with them.

Funny I came across something totally off the topic that I was Googling about but I thought it was awesome and worth the share. Some of you may know a few of these steps but it's nice to refresh our minds once in a while so Read this!

How to be Healthy and Happy:

  1. Get enough sleep. It not only keeps you healthy but you will be happier. Be sure to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night and on 'school nights' go to sleep earlier if you wake up earlier. It also helps if your bed is nice and comfy; try having warm blankets, a nice drink, or if it is hot, a window open. Always be sure to settle down and relax an hour before you go to bed because it will help you drift off more easily; read a book, watch TV but avoid doing things like work or anything too stressful that requires you to think. Sleeping is a time where you need your brain to switch off so you can have a good nights sleep.

  2. Eat healthy. Cut down on the junk food and eat your fruit and vegetable portions every day. This will leave you feeling generally more energetic and happy. Replace unhealthy snacks like a chocolate bar with a piece of fruit or perhaps some nuts but do make sure to treat yourself once in a while which is okay. Also cut down on too many processed foods altogether.
  3. Drink lots of Water. Water is good for everything in your body and I would list them all but it's never ending. Water helps to give you clear skin which leaves you feeling happier about your appearance as well! Water is just plain amazing for your overall health. So make sure to have it with you at all times and try to drink 8 glasses a day. Also if you do not really like the taste of water, try flavored (be careful of calories here and sugar additives) or sparkling and maybe add some lemon slices.
  4. Exercise. Whether it's a brisk walk, a quick jog, dancing in your room to your favourite music, playing Wii Fit, anything like that will keep you feeling strong and happy. Obviously you don't have to exercise everyday  because, lets face it, some of you don't always have the time; but try to make the time to fit it in at least 4 times a week minimum and you will like the difference.
  5. Treat yourself. By this I mean buying those shoes you always wanted, going to that ballet, going shopping or simply treating your body to that massage you have been needing for so long.
  6. Have true friends. Bond with true friends and appreciate them. Always show them how much you love them and treat them how you would like to be treated. Do not back stab, always stick together and stick up for each other. Do not believe any rumors; and once in a while go out and hang out with your friends; you'll create memories and become closer.
  7. Smile and laugh. Don't get sad over nothing and take a joke too seriously but at the same time know when it's too far or let yourself be upset. Overall do not be pessimistic; smile and laugh all the time and you will be happy; also who knows maybe your smile might make somebody's day.
  8. Do hobbies. This can be art, music, collecting things or whatever that makes you happy and makes you yourself. Try to be active and celebrate your achievements. Give gifts without expecting to receive anything else; keep yourself busy and happy.
  9. Help out your family. Even the smallest act of kindness will not only make them appreciate you more but you will feel happy knowing you have done good.
  10. Ignore rumors, insults and avoid the silly people. This is possibly one of the hardest and I'm still working on it but I know when I have cracked it, I will have a weight lifted off my shoulders. When that silly person has something horrible to say about you, do not respond, just walk away with your head held high because at the end of the day, they will give up if they don't get the reaction out of you that they want. Not only will you realize these people aren't worth it but it will keep you away from negativity, it is just a waste of your time and energy. If there is the most irritating rumor or rumors about you going round, just take a deep breath and think about the fact you know it's not true and that is all that matters; this is the most powerful thing, it is someone else's opinion of you and everyone is entitled to their opinion, the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind ;). In general steer clear of people who try and bring you down.

  11. Remember the important things. Remember popularity isn't everything and I would much rather choose true friends over that. Remember, sometimes you have to let a friend go and make another one. Remember that words can hurt. Remember you only live once and life is what you make it. Remember all these things and much more and you'll know what to make out of your life.
  12. Cut out stress in your life. This keeps you healthy and definitely happy. Take deep breaths, do yoga, relax and avoid stress at all times, it's not good for you. Read and write, keep a journal, blog, listen to music and exercise to release stress.

  13. Be confident. Give yourself a makeover, inside and out. Look in the mirror and see your beauty. Smile and embrace happiness. Know that we all come in different shapes and sizes and it's the inside as well as the outside. Wear that great perfume. Strut your stuff. Stand up straight and keep your head held high. Learn to be confident and who you are because no body's perfect. You are amazing! Trust me, you are!
  14. Have goals and dreams, and achieve them. Failure comes in cant's and success comes in cans. Always believe you can achieve. If you can dream it, you can achieve it; no matter what. Of course keep goals and dreams realistic. You can't become the Hulk or something but you can get that toned bod you have always wanted, if you work for it.
  15. Keep on top of things and stay organized. Get work over and done with and meet deadlines.  Keep things neat and tidy. Have a workspace and a timetable. Store work in folders and make sure you know where everything is so you don't panic, and whatever you do, don't procrastinate. I mean, let's face it, we have all been there but don't go there again
  16. Get out and enjoy the fresh air. Go outside for a run with a friend, go to a party, get together with the family, go on a bike ride, go for a hike or take a walk with your pet, and enjoy!
  17. Always stay true to who you are. Never change yourself for anyone and anything. Always stay true to your faith and beliefs. Always have your dignity, never have regrets, always be the best that you can be! Also surround yourself with the people and things that you love and people that respect you and the things you love.
  18. Be inspired by motivational  quotes. It's unbelievable how much this can affect you and change your whole life. So get inspired and love it.
  19. Don't be superficial. It doesn't do anyone any favors. Better to be hated than loved for what your not.
  20. Finally...: Love life, laugh lots, live forever. Dream and wish, be whoever you want to be. Take life and make it what you want. When life gives you lemons squirt life in the eye with the lemons! Explore, dream, discover. Be smart enough to hold on to and be brave enough to let go. Find and create yourself. Take risks. Reject the status quo. Stick up for yourself. Take chances, you never know where they can lead you to. Life goes on. Follow your gut. Love yourself.  If you are doing your best, you won't have time to worry about failure. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Life is music, love are the lyrics. Stay strong. Failure is the door to success. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. You don't forgive people because your weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know people make mistakes. When you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done. And lastly, you are beautiful!
    So I may not have gotten as far as finding what I was looking for but what I did find pretty much brightened up my day and inspired me a whole darn lot!
    PS: Remember to always stay humble on your journey in life, be it your weight loss journey or whatever journey you are on and remember you too had to start at the beginning to get to where you are. It costs nothing to be nice I promise you :)