Wednesday, August 01, 2012

How to eat clean..train mean and get lean!

I was recently asked what I mean when I say I "eat clean" so this is what inspired this Blog post...this is from what I have learnt and how I perceive things AND what works for me.

Basically how I see it is, eating clean is choosing the least processed foods and going for the freshest nutrient-dense foods out there. So do away with the fast foods and head to the "fresh" section in the shops rather than picking up the heat and eat box meals or that finger licking good KFC every Friday, Saturday and Sunday...

Eating clean means making food choices that are low in saturated fats,high in fiber and have the essential vitamins and minerals in them still and have not been processed to the max and loaded with sugar - the devil!

Eating clean not only boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight but it can assist in proper digestion and give you that increased energy you need. Choosing low GI carb alternatives help regulate your blood sugar levels and help maintain your energy levels because the "sugar/glucose" in these types of carbs are slow releasing.

Something I read was the 80/20 rule:

Eat healthy foods like lean meat,fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains 80% of the time

20% of the time eat the things you used to over indulge in -  that perhaps aren't as good for your body like a pizza on a Friday night :-p

Everything in moderation and I feel if you want something to not deprive yourself, get rid of the craving but one meal don't pig out all day that will leave you feeling miserable - learn a little discipline and perhaps find healthier options for those cravings you have.

If I crave chocolate I will rather go for Lindt Chocolate 85% Cocoa over a Tempo which used to be my first option or I will use cocoa powder and sweetener to make myself a Hot Choc Drink in the winter time - there are always healthier options, most of us are just too lazy to make it and unhealthier options are the lazy mans dream...quick and easy!

Come guys nothing worthwhile in life comes gotta work for it, so get off your ass and take 2min extra to make the Hot cocoa drink vs the quick and easy hot chocolate out of the bottle that is loaded with the devil - sorry I mean sugar!

Some Clean Eating Food Items:

  • Rye Bread, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Wholewheat Couscous
  • Spinach, Kale, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Apples, Bananas, Berries, Kiwis, Oranges
  • Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Ostrich, Egg Whites
  • Salmon, Tuna
  • Almond nuts, macadamia nuts, pecan nuts and cashew nuts 
  • Avocado's and Flaxseed Oil
  • Fat free bulgarian yoghurt
  • Fat Free Milk
Making healthier options when it comes to food is only going to help you reach your goals at the end of the day and help you reach them quicker, so clean up that diet and see the results! You know what I'm saying? ;)