Friday, August 03, 2012

Day 4 of my 12 week Challenge...

Day 4 got off to a great start. I jumped on the scale, yes I know I should only be weighing myself after 2 weeks but I felt thinner, I am human, I therefore have a curious mind....YaY the scale did not say this to me!

Day 4 of my challenge, I am down is most probably water loss, which is what happens during your first week of cleaning up your diet...remember eating carbs = your body retains water - oh we LOVE you carbs! So considering I have cut out grains and lowered my carb intake I think it is safe to say that it is more water loss than fat loss but any loss is good when you start, just like any other girl seeing the scale move keeps me motivated (even though you should not let the scale rule your life - judge by your clothing and measurements - that's the best way to keep yourself motivated but I am human and I falter)

The scale did not shout back at me "Go Run" but that is what I did anyways...picked my friend Kerry up and we hit the Promenade in Seapoint for a 10km run and climbed 200stairs - feel your ass burn much!

It is so great to get out into the fresh air and take it all in, besides getting your heart pumping you are reminded of all the things you can be thankful for and you get to see some strange sculptures along the way...WOW - we live in a beautiful City hey! We are all so Blessed.

Pictures I took off the internet, I am not able to take pictures while running just yet, being a beginner runner I have to focus on that first, but you get the idea of the beauty you see while on your run....

Strange but true - 5 White Horses this piece is called...White horses with trumpets out their mouth and "back sections" *raised eyebrow* needless to say we giggled for the next 2min trying to understand that....

That was my Thursday contribution to fitness and to my 12 week challenge. I rested the evening and never trained a muscle group - Rest is important, your body needs the recovery time, remember that R&R - rest and recovery!

Pssssttt - Today is FRIDAY can I get a Hell Yeah!