Monday, September 23, 2013


Monday's are amazing aren't they?

Well I guess how you choose to look at your Monday is what determines what your Monday is to you...a MOURNING or a MORNING.

Monday's to me mean a chance for a fresh new start, a chance to get it right!

Forget about the mistakes you made over the weekend.

Do not fret over that piece of cake that you ate, that perhaps you should not have eaten as it was not part of your calorie intake of the day. Reality is, that piece of cake is in the past and guess what?! You can't change it, so do not beat yourself up about it any longer...simply set your weekly goals and push yourself a little harder this coming week to achieve them.

Monday is always a chance to do it right! Make the change, be proud of yourself and make this a BOSS week!

NEVER let a Monday dull your sparkle....use it to your advantage!