Sunday, August 17, 2014

And just like that, He is 1 Month Old ~ Camden Kingsley Loxton

Well, I blinked and a whole month went by!

I cannot believe that a month ago I was being wheeled into theatre to finally meet our precious baby a lot of ways, this month went by slowly but it also feels like it is way too soon for me to have a one month old baby I start planning for his first birthday!

Today our precious boy is exactly one month old and even though some of the first four weeks have been tough, I will never be able to explain how much joy this boy has brought to our hearts and lives.

As a paranoid first time mom, I sit back and think, have I managed to do everything I wanted to do in his first month? Have I taken enough pictures. Is he still a newborn? He fits into some of his newborn clothing still, so that counts doesn't it?

I just want to share a few things with you that I have learnt in this first month of Camden's life and why I now finally understand what some ladies meant when they said...when you are a will..

1. Learn very quickly how to do everything with one hand and it is Murphy's law that whenever I am just about to go to the loo, sit down to eat my food or go shower, Camden needs to be held.

2. Do laundry constantly, well if it is winter. I used to do Laundry constantly with Wayne but now I do even more and our tumble dryer has been going non stop since Camden has been born and our electricity bill has increased by R 1000.00 just because of this.

3. Put your pride in your pocket and ask for help or accept help when people offer it, if you need it otherwise you might go off your head.

4. Realise that being a first time parent IS hard work but it is a lot more fun than some people made it out to be with all their horror stories...half the time I wanted poor Camden to stay in my tummy forever at the thought of having to deal with some of the things people were telling me they were dealing with.

5. Learn that nothing is scarier than a sick, crying baby that you have no control over. He cannot tell you what is wrong and you will want to take him to the ER at the first sign of something wrong and earn the nickname...Paranoid mom.

The first two weeks Camden was a breeze, he slept a lot and only moaned when he was hungry or needed to be changed. If it wasn't for my paranoid first time mom syndrome I am sure I would have got a lot of sleep in those two weeks if I wasn't up checking on him at ever murmur.

In week three and four he had a few fussy days ( two where he cried non stop, after we changed his formula!) but generally he is a good baby.

I am still trying to figure out exactly what it is he likes besides cuddles and daddy's chest but one things for sure...I know he really dislikes bathing or having his nappy changed.

Some days it still doesn't feel real that I have a baby. I always doubted that I would become a mom but God sure works in mysterious ways and I am, a mom and one month has already flown by.

Here is to the next MANY years with my boy...I can't wait to experience life with him all over again!