Tuesday, July 31, 2012

MissHagan's First Photo Shoot

So...better late than never - just before Mr&Miss Fitness SA in May this year I decided to reward myself with a photo shoot to show off my hard work I had been doing over the last couple of months.

I arranged with my friend Tatum who works at Protea Hotels to organise a loft apartment at the Victoria Junction Hotel in Green Point (wow it was beautiful and they were so accommodating) and I had asked my friend Darren Bester (check out his website: http://darrenbester.co.za/) to do the shoot- his work is amazing and I couldn't think of a better person to do the job, being my first photo shoot I was nervous as hell and he made me feel at ease and well from the finished product - you can be the judge yourself!

Here are some of the shots that I favour...