Thursday, August 07, 2014

Week 3 ~ Camden Kingsley Loxton

This week has been a tough one. I think Camden went through some sort of growth spurt, most of our days were filled with a miserable crying baby due to a lack of sleep and a little guy who acted as if he was starving literally one hour after his feeds! I am kind of grateful that I am no longer breastfeeding because this week I definitely would have felt like a McDonald's Drive through.

The nursing sister we visit weekly for Camden's check-ups told us that we are to push him to four hours between feeds and if it comes to the third hour and he wakes up and starts moaning we are to console him with a dummy or take him for a drive in the car....yes, that is exactly what I feel like doing at 2 am in the morning...NOT.

This week drained me, mentally, physically and emotionally ~ BUT for some reason I look at this cheeky face and my heart explodes with me me a mom.

3 weeks old 

How Big?: 4.270 kg and 55 cm. 

Clothing Size: Fitting into some of his newborn clothing at a stretch. His poor toes curl over in some of his onesies hahaha. He has only worn some of them once, such a waste. Far too many NB onesies, you definitely only need about 10 in total and you can just let your baby wear the same ones over and over.

Eating: This week I have been giving him 120 ml because of this "growth spurt" I think he is going through. It was almost as if that extra 10 ml was keeping him satisfied for a little while longer. Towards the end of the week this was no longer the case and he was crying when he was finished the entire 120 ml bottle in 8 minutes acting like a starved child.

Sleep: Like I mentioned above, he has been very miserable and not sleeping as much as before. I am aware that the medical professionals will tell you that it is a sin to put your child on their stomachs to sleep but I find that this is when Camden sleeps the best. I put him to sleep on his stomach during the day so that I can monitor him but at night I put him on his side or his back as they tell you to.

Movement: I am quite impressed with how strong our little guy is. He lifts his head really high off the ground during his tummy time, even higher when he is crying and upset because, well he doesn't really like tummy time much it seems and him lifting his head this high is like him throwing a little tantrum. If he is on my lap, he kicks his legs and stands up straight without any help from me and he stands like this for a few seconds at least.

Milestones: First time Wayne changed a poo nappy! First time he met Aunty Kerrie and he attended his first kiddies party this week.

Excitement this week: My excitement this week was when he sucked his was an AWWWW moment and it made my heart melt!

I don't want to sound like I am moaning, I am simply just giving an honest look at what my week has been like. I don't love my boy any less as I understand that this is all new to him and to us and we have to learn...trial and error until we are in a proper routine and I reckon this might happen after week 6...holding thumbs that it does.

Three weeks post-partum: This week I gained 2 kg. One day my cankles return to ankles and then the next they were swollen again. I feel as though I am retaining water and it is rather frustrating to yo-yo like this. The 2 kg could also be due to the fact that I wasn't eating correctly...I was eating whenever I could get some food in and then it wasn't the correct kinds of foods either.

Physically, things are much better this week and I am no longer sore. I just have this weird numb sensation from my belly button down to my pubic bone, I can't explain it. It isn't sore but my skin in that area is really sensitive to touch and it isn't a nice feeling at makes me sick to my stomach. Three more weeks to go then I can get back into training slowly....excited much! 

This drained mamma will be back next week to tell you how things are going our side.

Until then...keep it tidy ;)