Friday, July 04, 2014

Surprise Baby Shower

For once in my life, people were able to surprise me! I am not the type of person you usually surprise as I always find out somehow without even trying believe it or not.

My best friend Tatum (we have been friends since Grade 9....many moons ago and our friendship still carries on) works with me and managed to pull off a surprise Baby Shower for me at the office.

She had asked me a few times in the week if there was anything that I still needed for the baby and I didn't pick up on any of these things, I blame the preggo brain and amount of work I was doing every day but I honestly thought that she was just asking me because she was going to go and spend more money on Baby Loxton. She also asked me to go for lunch with her before I go on Maternity leave and a part of me thought, "is she crazy", she is my best friend and I am sure that even when I am on maternity leave I am going to see her so why on earth would she want to do lunch before I left the office...once again I put that down to the fact that she is travelling to Mauritius and perhaps just wants to make sure she gets an hour in with me as she may not see me before she leaves?! Thinking back now I am not sure what I was even thinking or why I never picked up on any of it - LOL!

Little did I know...she was arranging a Baby Shower for me ~ So sweet.

Long story short. Friday came and she picked me up at my office to go to the lounge area in the hotel (we work at a hotel) as she had asked them to put us in a boardroom so we could eat lunch in peace...HELLO! I never even asked why, I just went with it and I remember telling her that I couldn't be longer than an hour as I had tons of work to do and I couldn't be away from my boss for too long as there were things I needed to go over with him before I left work that evening.

She opens the boardroom door and "SURPRISE" there was everyone including my boss lol - BLIND, I looked like a deer in the headlights...totally confused hahaha

Good one ladies and gents - you got me!

There were cute snacks that Chef from the Hotel had made and decorations that Tatum and the ladies had taken time to put up and of course baby Loxton and I were spoilt again with gifts! A side table and a pair of sneakers that Tatum and Jacky had bought me, Tatum knew I needed a side table for next to the rocking chair in Baby Loxton's room. Vouchers from Baby City, Century City, Checkers and of course the voucher for me to go and collect my baby sling from Kids Emporium and last but not least I received vouchers for treatments at Goji Spa in Willowbridge

I have really been SO blessed the last few months. It is true when they say you should count your blessings...mine have been too many to count!