Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Bag of mixed emotions ~ Gynae Check Up

So today I went to the Gynae for a check-up...

According to her I am 39 weeks exactly today and according to my calculations I am 38 weeks and 3 she says a much of a muchness really.

I was due to see her this Friday only but I moved the appointment earlier as I last saw her three weeks ago and I am in the worst pain ever at the moment. I just wanted to get an idea of "where" I am at, at the moment...has anything progressed since three weeks ago or not. Will I be carrying to 40 weeks or over. It is normal for most Gynae's to want to see you every week from week 36 and I have just felt so left in the dark.

Truth is...I was hoping for better news. Right now I feel like a bag of mixed emotions.

To sit there and be told he is still head down but does not feel as though he is engaged, she isn't going to bother doing an internal exam as she will be invasive for no reason. Why waste my time and she doesn't see him arriving in the next week or so and I am to come and see her at "40 weeks" again (next week according to her) and I am to go home and think about the way forward and come see her next week with my decision. Right now she has no medical reason to do a c-section ( that I totally understand) but next week we will speak about an induction which is something I absolutely wanted to avoid at ALL costs.

This first time mom to be is feeling pretty down right now and typing this close to tears ( yes this probanly has something to do with my hormones coupled with the not so good news that I was hoping to get). I sit here weighing up the different options in my head and just pray that things change and that this little guy of ours decides he wants to arrive before she suggests I get induced. The max that she is willing to go over my due date is two weeks and that she feels is pushing it.

On the up side, he is weighing 3.5kg ( not as big as she originally made him out to be, even though she says the scan is not as accurate the further along you are and that he could be 4kg already - whatever), his heart beat is healthy and his straight leg that I have been so stressed out about has finally bent after being straight for over three months. The poor child was kicking himself in the head practically and I was so paranoid his leg would stay like that.

Right now as I said above, I feel like a bag of mixed emotions...I feel like this might not go as I had hoped and if I want to have natural birth as bad as I do then I might need to be induced at 40/42 weeks which is the one thing I wanted to avoid more than anything.

If you reading this...please say a little prayer that Baby Loxton decides he isn't that comfy in there anymore after next week and arrives in the week after that so I can avoid an induction or a c-section. I would rather deal with all the pain I am in for another week or so than have to opt for an induction or c-section.

Trying to remain as positive as I can. Seems these period like pains are simply just testing me as she so put it and this could carry on for a week or three...who knows.