Monday, March 11, 2013

Life is pretty simple, we just choose to complicate it

I have kinda been going through life the last few months feeling as though I have an Eeyore sitting on my shoulders and yes when you feel as though you have a weight on your shoulders, do Squats they me I have tried that, it still didn’t seem to change matters, it just give me a tighter tush, hey bonus so I aint complaining BUT let's be serious here. We as humans tend to be our own worst enemies!

Life is pretty simple, we just choose to complicate it - SO UNCOMPLICATE IT!

If you are anything like me, let things be less than perfect, you do not live in a perfect world so stop trying to make it that way, life is not perfect, people are not perfect and well I am not sure if you have realised this yet - you are not perfect but guess what? THAT'S OK because the real world does not reward perfection so learn to see imperfect things or people perfectly.

A really good friend of mine Kerrie always tells me - Stop focusing on what you don't want in your life and start focusing on what you do. So wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is going to happen in your life and I am willing to bet that you will be right. All positive thoughts have a success story attached to them.

Past mistakes, failures, relationships should all teach you something. It should give you the ability to create a better future because you now know what it is you don’t want to do or be or have in life so don’t be afraid of your past because of the hurt you may have felt. Do not allow it to dictate your now, learn from it and leave the past in the past, you cannot finish a book if you keep re-reading the same chapter #fact.

Focus on what is important to you not what is important to others, you are responsible for your own happiness so eliminate the things that do not feature on your list of important things to you. No wasted time = no regrets.

Give what you want to receive, this is a BIG one for me and we have been taught this throughout life. Everyone is human and we deserve kindness. We don't need to add to our burdens in life that we already carry by hurting others, it doesn’t make things better, so if you don’t want people being unkind to you don’t be unkind but still keep in mind someone is always going to hurt you but it is how you react to that, that matters. Remember what goes around comes around so treat people with respect and you will get respect in return

Stop trying to be everything to everyone, stop trying to please everyone, don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people. Start focusing on being everything to someone. Helping or pleasing everyone is impossible. But making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. So narrow your focus and most of all be yourself – at the end of the day true friends and loved one’s love you for who you truly are not some fabricated version of yourself – BE YOU, BE OPEN, BE HONEST, BE TRUSTWORTHY.

Integrity is the essence of everything successful – do good and life will turn out good. Do what you know in your heart is right, Stop doing immoral things simply because you can. Start being honest with yourself and everyone else. Don’t cheat. Be faithful. Be kind. Do the right thing! It is a less complicated way to live…less lies to have to keep up with. When you break the rules of integrity you invite serious complications into your life. Keep life simple and stress free by doing what you know in your heart is right.

Start caring about your own happiness, it is important to make other people happy, but you have to start with yourself. Never sell your soul to please someone else, we sometimes get lost trying to live our lives for someone else. You matter, your needs matter, relationships come and go but you live with yourself forever, this doesn’t mean love yourself so much you forget how to care about those around you just find a balance.

Start caring about how you treat yourself. The way you treat yourself sets the standard for how other people can treat you. You need to love the person you are otherwise no one else will either.

In closing remember that everything you do in life has a consequence…so think before you do.