Thursday, March 28, 2013

Even the strongest people go through weak moments...never forget your worth.

The last few months have been tough and me, the girl who always has it together, the strong individual, the one that nothing could affect...fell apart, lost a bit of herself for a while and is slowly trying to get it back.

Having friends who remind you of the type of person you are is the best thing in the world. When there is darkness surround yourself with people who love you, smile and laugh often it is the best medicine.

Stop letting people control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions and start working on forgetting what is gone, appreciate what still remains and start looking forward to what is going to come next in your life.

Hurt and pain go away, memories remain. Keep the good memories do away with the rest because hate in your heart consumes you and is a waste of time that you could be happy.

My friend said something to me the other day via e-mail that really hit home, it reminded me that life is too short to be anything but happy and love should come from both parties and love should never be mediocre. Everyone deserves a partner in life that appreciates them as much as they are appreciated.

She said...

I’m so sorry he has hurt you now again because you can’t find it in you to walk away from him and the damage he causes you!
I’m so sorry you allow him to play mind games with you and that he still lies to you!
I’m so sorry that you believe his lies because you love him!
I’m so sorry that other people always have to tell you the truth about him because you cant see it yourself!
I’m so sorry he always puts his feelings above yours!
I’m so sorry he always messes with your head!
I’m so sorry he always says that he needs time to sort himself out and you have to take a back seat until he is ready again!
I’m so sorry that he has come between you and some of your friends!
I’m sorry he has taken your passion and motivation away from you for gym!
I’m so sorry that he feels months later that he is too young for commitment and isn’t ready now! 
I’m so sorry that he doesn’t know if you’re the one, you would think he would know by now, after begging for you back the last time! 
I’m so sorry he always makes you out to be desperate/needy to other girls! 
I’m sorry he isn’t the one for you!  I’m sorry that you had to learn the hard way that he never will be!
I’m so sorry that you get embarrassed for having to say he did the same thing to you again!
I’m so sorry that you don’t just get angry and mad with yourself for believing he can change, when he can’t! 
I’m sorry that he has taken whatever trust you had in men away from the next person! 
I’m sorry he makes you feel like you aren’t worthy enough of a special Birthday with family and good friends! 
I’m so sorry you don’t know your own worth! 
I’m so sorry that you think this is the best partner that you can get in life!
But most of all, I’m so sorry I can’t be there to hold you and tell you everything is going to be ok…you just need to breathe and take one day at a time!
To all the ladies out there that might read this - remember what you are worth, being alone is ok - dont be with someone because you are too afraid to be alone and dontbe with someone who is not able to treat you right ~ Life is far too short.
We all make mistakes and learn from life, even the girl who thinks she had it all together ;)