Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thirty facts I have learnt throughout my life...

In light of my 30th birthday closing in on me...Eeeeekkk!

There are a lot more than 30 things I have learnt in life but I thought everyone gets taught certain lessons in life and sometimes it takes for that same lesson to be taught over and over before it really sinks into your skull and other times it takes one powerful experience to 'burn' you for you to get that point driven home forever and fast!

So here are the 30 (what I feel are important) things I have discovered about life in my short time on this earth (yes because I am 30 years young ;) soon)

  1. No-one has life all figured out!
  2. If you see happy pictures on facebook, it isn't always the truth being portrayed.
  3. Debt devours your is king.
  4. If something you are doing needs to be a secret or you are hiding it from the people closest to you as you are too ashamed of what they may think, chances are you shouldn't be doing it.
  5. Weak people revenge, strong people forgive.
  6. Most people cause suffering when they are suffering within themselves.
  7. You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink!
  8. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS...99% of the time your "gut-feeling" is right.
  9. When you get up, dress up and show up, you feel great instantly and people can pick it up.
  10. People (including me) overthink way too much.
  11. On instant messenger, messages can be misunderstood.
  12. If he truly loves you, he will move heaven and earth to be with you and seeing you smile will be top on his list, if not...he is just not that into you.
  13. Words are powerful, so think before you speak, words spoken cannot be taken back, they sometimes leave scars for life.
  14. Sometimes you have to remove certain people from your life no matter how important they are to you, if they no longer server a purpose you only hurt yourself by allowing them to stay.
  15. Life is too short, if you are not enjoying what you are doing, STOP and go do what you really want to do!
  16. A change is as good as a holiday.
  17. Killing time is ridiculous, it never grows is priceless.
  18. That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
  19. Actions speak louder than words.
  20. Everything you do in life has consequences so think before you do and remember you are responsible no matter how you feel.
  21. You need not speak to your best friends for ages but when you do its as if you spoke yesterday.
  22. YOU are responsible for who you become not your parents.
  23. You can look at a situation and see it totally different to how someone else sees it.
  24. You cannot make someone love you
  25. It takes years to build my trust but seconds for you to break it
  26. Tell the people you love that you love them they can be taken from you in an instant. RIP Gramps
  27. It is hard to sometimes hard to figure out when enough is enough
  28. Never harbour bitterness it will rob you of your happiness
  29. I have learnt that a smile can change someone's day in a flash
  30. I still have loads to learn about life...