Sunday, January 18, 2015

My struggle is real.

Six months down the line and I am embarrassed to say that I am not even close to where I wanted to be regarding my post pregnancy body.

I had all these hopes and dreams.
  1. I would not be a fat pregnant lady
  2. I would train my heart out while pregnant
  3. I would eat healthy for the entire nine months
  4. I definitely would only gain the recommended 12-16kg during my pregnancy and drum roll
  5. ANY of the small amount of baby weight that I gained during my pregnancy I would definitely lose within the first four months!
Needless to say most of the above didn't happen. Yes I trained when I had the energy, when I didn't feel sick and then the training had to come to a stand still due to increased blood pressure and pubic bone pressure. I refused to walk with crutches so I walked through the pain but in turn I was not able to train like I had set out to.

For the first 20 weeks I packed my meals and ate spot on during the week and even ate healthy on the weekends. The second half of my pregnancy is when I gained most of my weight simply because over the weekends I was out of control. I ate well in the week and pigged out over the weekends, I became depressed, nothing really fitted me and I was hating my pregnant body and ever growing belly.

I felt HUGE, not pregnant. Each day I got on the scale it climbed even more and that simply depressed me even more. Why, why was I not able to keep it together and why was I letting myself down AGAIN. Being an inspiration to many in the past with my previous weight loss story, I started to feel as if I had failed the people that looked up to me

–       Nothing in life comes easy, if you really want to make the changes you will but you have to work for it!
–       Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing to do but to keep moving forward and progressing regardless of the hurdles you face on your journey, that is the mark of a true champion…as the saying goes: fall down 7 times but stand up 8.
–       Never be too hard on yourself, you are human and there are going to be moments where you feel like there is no point…oh…but there is and the day you reach that point/your goal weight, you will understand why – just like I did!
–       Live by the three D’s – Desire: You have to WANT to lose weight, become healthier. Discipline: To be successful in anything you do in life you have to be disciplined to do what it takes day in and day out with putting in loads of effort and hard work and then lastly you have to have the Determination to never give up!
–       Last but not least – Have fun, eat clean, be active and make health your lifestyle!