Monday, November 03, 2014

Family funday.

Doing family activities outdoors in winter proved to be rather difficult at times especially with a young baby but winter is long gone and we no longer have an excuse to stay indoors and hibernate, even though I know Wayne would hibernate all year long if he could....I won't let him!

Our weeks are so busy that real uninterrupted quality family time isn't possible. Wayne works and I work half day from home at the moment until January( then I go back to being at work full time) and even though we are with each other a lot during the day,most of that time isn't quality family time because we are so busy working, getting ready for the next day or preparing dinner, doing washing, seeing to Camden...the list is endless.

We decided recently that in order to get out and spend quality time as a family, Sunday would become our designated family funday and so it has.

It doesn't have to involve money or doing something that involves a lot of money, the point is to just get out as a family and have fun. It does wonders for my soul to get extra special quality time with my boys.

During the week we work to a sort of schedule so we have a balance with work and everyday family life and on the weekends we haven't had much of a set plan which meant we were staying at home a lot or getting out so late in the day because getting yourself and a baby ready for the day when you haven't planned to get out early means you end up leaving around 11am only. This doesn't work for me, I need to be out and about...cabin fever and I do not work!

We have put together a list of things we would like to do and we have already started ticking off items on the funday "to do" list.

I look forward to a QUALITY summer spent with my boys.