Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day to us.

It has always been difficult for me to find the words to describe what motherhood means to me. I also never pictured myself ever being a mother...and then I had you.

The moment I heard your first cry I knew my life was no longer just about me anymore and it never would be because I was now a mother and for the rest of my life it would be about you.

This is why I don't believe that Mother’s Day should be about celebrating the fact that I am now a mother, I feel it is more about being a mother to you. The best gift I  received  this Mother's Day wasn’t the coffee I got in bed, or the chocolates that you gave me. The best gift was being woken up and seeing you look down at me with that smile that melts my heart.

Today was the best day because I got to spend the day with you,celebrating the amazing little person who made me the woman I am today, a mother.

From the bottom of my heart,

Thank you.