Dear Baby Loxton,
This week was yet another busy week but this week was also an exciting week, your mom turned 31 years young and your great grandma turned 70!
For a 70 year old she sure looks amazing ~ Still Fabulous at 70!
So on Wednesday we celebrated my birthday at Pancho's in Observatory with the family. This is one of my favourite Mexican restaurants and it was your dad and your first time there! I hope you enjoyed the food as much as I did!
Friday we met with our Birth Photographer, her name is Marysol from
Blomerus Photography. Her work is absolutely amazing. I came across her website after a friend of mine sent me a link to a birthing video. All I can say is if people do not cry looking at her work or watching her slideshows - they have no heart.
I have had her contact since January and I also had her price list since then but truth is we didn't really have the extra cash to hire her until one day I sat back and thought - this is such an important moment in our lives how could we not do it. I made a plan and we are hoping with everything, that all runs smoothly the day you decide to arrive and she manages to capture the special moment which will be your BIRTHDAY!
After meeting with her on Friday evening things just felt even more real for me and I left the meeting filled with excitement but fear set in, fear of how painful this birth might be, fear of something going wrong but most of all fear that I may not be a good mom and I want to be the best mom when it comes to you. I just keep reminding myself that your dad and I will be the best parents we know how to be and that will be just fine!
Saturday I had a belated Birthday breakfast at a place called Isabella's with a few of the girls. It was so nice to catch up with them all and the food was divine. Trying all these new places with me hey -you certainly get around Lil man lol.
After the breakfast I raced home as we were hosting a "High Tea" for your great grandma's 70th - that was a hit and it was really awesome to catch up with the family and get a skinner session in with the cousins....girls will be girls.
Sunday was Church and this time Aunty Megan joined us. Was so good to share the word of God with her and our friends Catherine and Clinton. In church you gave me quite a scare though. I honestly thought.."This is it" we are going into labour and I crossed my legs waiting for my water to break,but you were just teasing i reckon.
All in all, regardless of the excruciating pain I am in - it was a good week!
49 days to go until we get to meet you!
Love you madly
Your Mom
32 Weeks - Every week I look worse in these pictures! Terrible! |
How far along: 32 weeks
Baby fun facts: Baby is the size of a squash and it is definitely getting "squashed" in there! He is getting ready to make his way into the world and last time we checked he was in the head down position. Next weeks check up will let us know if he is still in that position or not - holding thumbs that he is because he feels like he is all over in my belly at the moment..I cant really tell where is head is, he moves way too much.
Pregnancy weight gain: Judging from the picture above - you may make your own assumptions and I will not hold it against you lol!
Sleep: Still nothing. I want to cry...I now have a pinched nerve in my back and I have now tried to sleep sitting up - that was a huge cramp in my!
Food cravings: Nothing.
Food aversions: No.
Gender: A boy :) I cant wait to call him by his first name!
Highlight of the week: Loads this week! Getting spoilt on my birthday, meeting our birth photographer, spending time with my girls and celebrating my grans 70th birthday.
Movement: Big movements and often now. I can feel when he gets irritated if I am sitting in a position that he perhaps feels too squashed in.
What am I looking forward to: His arrival!
What I miss the most: Cry me a river..fitting into my really thin clothes, walking without the pain of a pinched nerve, sushi...the list is endless this week.
Worried about: I am worried about a few things but no point in body was designed for this thing they call "Birth"
Most excited about: Meeting Baby Loxton...come one man.
Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.
Grateful for: The amazing friends and family I have!