- Cut down on alcohol
- Cut down on added sugars
- Cut down on salt
- Cut down on saturdated fats
- Cut down on refined grains
- Cut down on processed foods
- Have more fruits and veg
- Have more water
- Have more green tea
- Have more wholegrains
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Your ten commandments for the festive season
Thou shalt...
Monday, November 19, 2012
Stellenbosch Nutrition 5 week challenge
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A little Tuesday morning FYI
It has been brought to my attention or should I say I have noticed that there are so many people out there in the Fitness industry that think they know it all...I for sure do not claim to know everything about exercising or nutrition but when asked for advice I take time to research and back up what I say by my personal experiences and I stress to everyone that we are all different so what might work for me may not work for you but I still will never give you advice without having tried it or researched the topic.
So many people in this world that are getting into fitness and healthy lifestyle (which I love might I add) seem to have the wrong perception of what being fit and healthy is and it kills me.
Ladies, ladies, ladies....NO Female living a normal life and trying to get healthy should be below 12% body fat (yes I was once 8% because I competed - there is a difference and I don't claim that it is healthy at all). You need to realise that what you see in magazines might be real (Ok slightly airbrushed) but those fitness models have dropped their body fat % for the photo shoot and you need to get rid of your idea of thinking that looking lean like that is healthy because it isn't. A healthy body fat range for any female depending on your body type is 15-22% but I get the feeling everyone is so obsessed with looking like that girl on the magazine that they forget to live a healthy normal lifestyle and be happy with how they look.
A body fat of 10% and below for a female is so bad, your hormones get disrupted and your normal menstrual cycle may even stop (this is called
ammennorrhea - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhea ), which indicates a problem with estrogen levels/production and I am not sure about you ladies but I would like to have children still one day! This can also cause bone loss in women which is a very serious problem.
And to just add the cherry on top....thyroid, growth hormone and your immune system to name but a few are all severely at threat
under extreme low body fat %.
Cortisol (Also known as the "stress hormone" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortisol ) levels go through the roof at extremely low body fat %
especially when you are training a lot.
A woman dieting to 10% body fat or lower would most probably not be able to carry a
baby to term safely, so the body reacts and prevents this by
shutting down the normal menstrual cycle and yes some of you might jump for joy at the thought of missing your period but when it comes to bone loss and estrogen issues you will have bigger fish to fry later on in life.
For those of you who are truly only obsessed with aesthetics and don't really focus on the health aspect of things (which you should), body fat % of ~15% for women should be safe to maintain all year round but it will require a kind of obsessive devotion to diet and
training (unless you were blessed with skinny genes which most of us were not) but come on who wants to live that way if you are not a bodybuilder or fitness bikini competitor, don't you want to live a normal yet healthy life?
Being a fitness model or Bikini competitor for example you usually don’t have a choice, you have
to be as lean as possible when you walk on stage but speaking from experience you definitely will not maintain that low body fat % for long
periods of time in the first place and I wish people could understand this but most people do not understand what they have not experienced.
At the end of the day should you worry about how lean you are or how healthy you are? Being healthy and at a healthy body fat % is to be FIT in my eyes.
FORGET anorexic stick thin, that is so last season, BE HEALTHY, BE YOU!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
When in doubt google...something I live by
I definitely live up to the phrase "When in doubt Google", come to think of it I am not ever sure how I lived without it! Ok, so perhaps that was why I was slightly thinner back in the days before my 20's when I got fat because I would walk to the Library instead of sit at my PC and ask it to throw some info at me at the touch of a button..LOL I actually had to put in the effort to go find out.
Well thanks Google...today I sat and pondered on something that bothered me, people being spiteful/vindictive for no reason and how to deal with people who perhaps don't like you no matter how hard you try with them.
Funny I came across something totally off the topic that I was Googling about but I thought it was awesome and worth the share. Some of you may know a few of these steps but it's nice to refresh our minds once in a while so Read this!
How to be Healthy and Happy:
Well thanks Google...today I sat and pondered on something that bothered me, people being spiteful/vindictive for no reason and how to deal with people who perhaps don't like you no matter how hard you try with them.
Funny I came across something totally off the topic that I was Googling about but I thought it was awesome and worth the share. Some of you may know a few of these steps but it's nice to refresh our minds once in a while so Read this!
How to be Healthy and Happy:
- Get enough sleep. It not only keeps you healthy but you will be happier. Be sure to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night and on 'school nights' go to sleep earlier if you wake up earlier. It also helps if your bed is nice and comfy; try having warm blankets, a nice drink, or if it is hot, a window open. Always be sure to settle down and relax an hour before you go to bed because it will help you drift off more easily; read a book, watch TV but avoid doing things like work or anything too stressful that requires you to think. Sleeping is a time where you need your brain to switch off so you can have a good nights sleep.
- Eat healthy. Cut down on the junk food and eat your fruit and vegetable portions every day. This will leave you feeling generally more energetic and happy. Replace unhealthy snacks like a chocolate bar with a piece of fruit or perhaps some nuts but do make sure to treat yourself once in a while which is okay. Also cut down on too many processed foods altogether.
- Drink lots of Water. Water is good for everything in your body and I would list them all but it's never ending. Water helps to give you clear skin which leaves you feeling happier about your appearance as well! Water is just plain amazing for your overall health. So make sure to have it with you at all times and try to drink 8 glasses a day. Also if you do not really like the taste of water, try flavored (be careful of calories here and sugar additives) or sparkling and maybe add some lemon slices.
- Exercise. Whether it's a brisk walk, a quick jog, dancing in your room to your favourite music, playing Wii Fit, anything like that will keep you feeling strong and happy. Obviously you don't have to exercise everyday because, lets face it, some of you don't always have the time; but try to make the time to fit it in at least 4 times a week minimum and you will like the difference.
- Treat yourself. By this I mean buying those shoes you always wanted, going to that ballet, going shopping or simply treating your body to that massage you have been needing for so long.
- Have true friends. Bond with true friends and appreciate them. Always show them how much you love them and treat them how you would like to be treated. Do not back stab, always stick together and stick up for each other. Do not believe any rumors; and once in a while go out and hang out with your friends; you'll create memories and become closer.
- Smile and laugh. Don't get sad over nothing and take a joke too seriously but at the same time know when it's too far or let yourself be upset. Overall do not be pessimistic; smile and laugh all the time and you will be happy; also who knows maybe your smile might make somebody's day.
- Do hobbies. This can be art, music, collecting things or whatever that makes you happy and makes you yourself. Try to be active and celebrate your achievements. Give gifts without expecting to receive anything else; keep yourself busy and happy.
- Help out your family. Even the smallest act of kindness will not only make them appreciate you more but you will feel happy knowing you have done good.
- Ignore rumors, insults and avoid the silly people. This is possibly one of the hardest and I'm still working on it but I know when I have cracked it, I will have a weight lifted off my shoulders. When that silly person has something horrible to say about you, do not respond, just walk away with your head held high because at the end of the day, they will give up if they don't get the reaction out of you that they want. Not only will you realize these people aren't worth it but it will keep you away from negativity, it is just a waste of your time and energy. If there is the most irritating rumor or rumors about you going round, just take a deep breath and think about the fact you know it's not true and that is all that matters; this is the most powerful thing, it is someone else's opinion of you and everyone is entitled to their opinion, the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind ;). In general steer clear of people who try and bring you down.
- Remember the important things. Remember popularity isn't everything and I would much rather choose true friends over that. Remember, sometimes you have to let a friend go and make another one. Remember that words can hurt. Remember you only live once and life is what you make it. Remember all these things and much more and you'll know what to make out of your life.
- Cut out stress in your life. This keeps you healthy and definitely happy. Take deep breaths, do yoga, relax and avoid stress at all times, it's not good for you. Read and write, keep a journal, blog, listen to music and exercise to release stress.
- Be confident. Give yourself a makeover, inside and out. Look in the mirror and see your beauty. Smile and embrace happiness. Know that we all come in different shapes and sizes and it's the inside as well as the outside. Wear that great perfume. Strut your stuff. Stand up straight and keep your head held high. Learn to be confident and who you are because no body's perfect. You are amazing! Trust me, you are!
- Have goals and dreams, and achieve them. Failure comes in cant's and success comes in cans. Always believe you can achieve. If you can dream it, you can achieve it; no matter what. Of course keep goals and dreams realistic. You can't become the Hulk or something but you can get that toned bod you have always wanted, if you work for it.
- Keep on top of things and stay organized. Get work over and done with and meet deadlines. Keep things neat and tidy. Have a workspace and a timetable. Store work in folders and make sure you know where everything is so you don't panic, and whatever you do, don't procrastinate. I mean, let's face it, we have all been there but don't go there again.
- Get out and enjoy the fresh air. Go outside for a run with a friend, go to a party, get together with the family, go on a bike ride, go for a hike or take a walk with your pet, and enjoy!
- Always stay true to who you are. Never change yourself for anyone and anything. Always stay true to your faith and beliefs. Always have your dignity, never have regrets, always be the best that you can be! Also surround yourself with the people and things that you love and people that respect you and the things you love.
- Be inspired by motivational quotes. It's unbelievable how much this can affect you and change your whole life. So get inspired and love it.
- Don't be superficial. It doesn't do anyone any favors. Better to be hated than loved for what your not.
- Finally...: Love life, laugh lots, live forever. Dream and wish, be whoever you want to be. Take life and make it what you want. When life gives you lemons squirt life in the eye with the lemons! Explore, dream, discover. Be smart enough to hold on to and be brave enough to let go. Find and create yourself. Take risks. Reject the status quo. Stick up for yourself. Take chances, you never know where they can lead you to. Life goes on. Follow your gut. Love yourself. If you are doing your best, you won't have time to worry about failure. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Life is music, love are the lyrics. Stay strong. Failure is the door to success. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. You don't forgive people because your weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know people make mistakes. When you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done. And lastly, you are beautiful!So I may not have gotten as far as finding what I was looking for but what I did find pretty much brightened up my day and inspired me a whole darn lot!PS: Remember to always stay humble on your journey in life, be it your weight loss journey or whatever journey you are on and remember you too had to start at the beginning to get to where you are. It costs nothing to be nice I promise you :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Beginners Guide from MissHagan's point of view...
Ladies (and gents if you reading this), I am getting an influx of how do I start, where do I start, what is that exercise etc sooooo a few of you I have e-mailed already and well the rest I hope this helps you out!
Firstly, you have decided to change your life around and eat healthy and start exercising - CONGRATULATIONS to you, you have taken the first step into improving your body and mind, one high five goes to you, step 1 complete!
Step 2 do some research on how to change your diet to suit you and your needs or go to see a Nutritionist
(like i did), everyone is different so a lot of trial and error will go into this "eating clean" for you to see what works best for you as an individual. What necessarily works for me wont work for someone else.
I have mentioned plenty times before "diet" is 80% and exercise 20%, well for me anyways, if I eat right I don't have to kill myself every day in the gym but obviously closer to comp if I want to see results quicker, well I MOVE my ass in that gym and I have no piggy meals or cheat meals, whatever you call it but many of you are not prepping for comp you are training for life so LIVE!
Step 3 when it comes down to wanting to lose weight and exercising...
A big number like 25kg (what I lost) can seem very daunting, what I reckon you do is set smaller goals like 10kgs at first and then once you are in it and have the hang of it you can set the next goal. When looking at a figure of 25kg vs. 10kg your mind immediately goes Whoah I cant do that, its impossible that will take so long etc and it starts the whole excuse process - I have been there I know!
As far as exercising goes, I am not sure how advanced any of you are but for the beginners in the gym, if I could give any advice it would be the following:
30min cardio for the first week for 5 days
45min cardio for the 2nd week for 5 days
50min cardio for the 3rd week for 6 days
1hr cardio for the 4th week for 6 days
Cardio I mean walking, running, orbitrek, stepper, walking/running outdoors, hiking, cycling etc - just get your heart rate to 125-135 NO lower and NO higher as you want to keep it at fat burning zone. I found for me doing my cardio in the morning on an empty stomach helped me drop fat quicker as it takes from your fat stores rather than taking the energy you need for the exercising from the food you have eaten during the day.
Then after you have done that week 5 you bring in a bit of weight training, so:
Week 5-8
Carry on with your cardio as above and 3times a week do weight training ( choose which days you want to incorporate the weight training on) - doing only two sets per exercise at a weight where you can complete 12-15 reps the first set without struggle and 10-12 reps the last set and feel challenged but not in pain.
Your weight training Routine for above should Include:
1 chest exercise - Dumbbell Chest Press
1 back exercise - Lat Pull downs
1 bicep exercise - Bicep Curls
1 tricep exercise - Tricep Pulldowns on cable machine
1 shoulder exercise - Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2-4 exercises for your legs - leg extensions, leg curls, squats and walking lunges
If you make all those workouts happen, then add ONE more to the week the next week etc. And so on. The goal is not to torture yourself, but to allow your mind, body and life to catch up to, and get used to your new thinking. Too many changes all at once is harder on you mentally than most people will admit, and that can cause relapse...slowly wins the race!
Then once you are ready and your fitness levels are up and you are able to start more weight training then train like below - so week 9 onwards...
Monday: 1 hr cardio and abs exercises or do the 15 min Ab class at Virgin active if you belong to Virgin
Tuesday: Back and Biceps and 30min cardio
Wednesday: Chest and Triceps and 30min cardio
Thursday: Legs and Glutes
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Shoulders & Abs and 30min cardio
Sunday: 1 hr Cardio and Calves
* Have a look at my previous blogs for my exercise routines for each muscle group and if you are unsure of how to do the exercise, look on Google image, if I am unsure I search on there and it shows me how to do the exercise, then I don't feel like a fool in the gym.
I find too often that girls give up because of lack of results but they seem to overlook the common mistakes they make when it comes to training etc.
Firstly, you have decided to change your life around and eat healthy and start exercising - CONGRATULATIONS to you, you have taken the first step into improving your body and mind, one high five goes to you, step 1 complete!
Step 2 do some research on how to change your diet to suit you and your needs or go to see a Nutritionist
(like i did), everyone is different so a lot of trial and error will go into this "eating clean" for you to see what works best for you as an individual. What necessarily works for me wont work for someone else.
I have mentioned plenty times before "diet" is 80% and exercise 20%, well for me anyways, if I eat right I don't have to kill myself every day in the gym but obviously closer to comp if I want to see results quicker, well I MOVE my ass in that gym and I have no piggy meals or cheat meals, whatever you call it but many of you are not prepping for comp you are training for life so LIVE!
Step 3 when it comes down to wanting to lose weight and exercising...
A big number like 25kg (what I lost) can seem very daunting, what I reckon you do is set smaller goals like 10kgs at first and then once you are in it and have the hang of it you can set the next goal. When looking at a figure of 25kg vs. 10kg your mind immediately goes Whoah I cant do that, its impossible that will take so long etc and it starts the whole excuse process - I have been there I know!
As far as exercising goes, I am not sure how advanced any of you are but for the beginners in the gym, if I could give any advice it would be the following:
30min cardio for the first week for 5 days
45min cardio for the 2nd week for 5 days
50min cardio for the 3rd week for 6 days
1hr cardio for the 4th week for 6 days
Cardio I mean walking, running, orbitrek, stepper, walking/running outdoors, hiking, cycling etc - just get your heart rate to 125-135 NO lower and NO higher as you want to keep it at fat burning zone. I found for me doing my cardio in the morning on an empty stomach helped me drop fat quicker as it takes from your fat stores rather than taking the energy you need for the exercising from the food you have eaten during the day.
Then after you have done that week 5 you bring in a bit of weight training, so:
Week 5-8
Carry on with your cardio as above and 3times a week do weight training ( choose which days you want to incorporate the weight training on) - doing only two sets per exercise at a weight where you can complete 12-15 reps the first set without struggle and 10-12 reps the last set and feel challenged but not in pain.
Your weight training Routine for above should Include:
1 chest exercise - Dumbbell Chest Press
1 back exercise - Lat Pull downs
1 bicep exercise - Bicep Curls
1 tricep exercise - Tricep Pulldowns on cable machine
1 shoulder exercise - Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2-4 exercises for your legs - leg extensions, leg curls, squats and walking lunges
If you make all those workouts happen, then add ONE more to the week the next week etc. And so on. The goal is not to torture yourself, but to allow your mind, body and life to catch up to, and get used to your new thinking. Too many changes all at once is harder on you mentally than most people will admit, and that can cause relapse...slowly wins the race!
Then once you are ready and your fitness levels are up and you are able to start more weight training then train like below - so week 9 onwards...
Monday: 1 hr cardio and abs exercises or do the 15 min Ab class at Virgin active if you belong to Virgin
Tuesday: Back and Biceps and 30min cardio
Wednesday: Chest and Triceps and 30min cardio
Thursday: Legs and Glutes
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Shoulders & Abs and 30min cardio
Sunday: 1 hr Cardio and Calves
* Have a look at my previous blogs for my exercise routines for each muscle group and if you are unsure of how to do the exercise, look on Google image, if I am unsure I search on there and it shows me how to do the exercise, then I don't feel like a fool in the gym.
I find too often that girls give up because of lack of results but they seem to overlook the common mistakes they make when it comes to training etc.
- Plan - set a REALISTIC goal and get your eating plan sorted and make sure that your exercise program is right for the goal you have in mind.
- If you are trying to lose weight 1kg a week is healthy and realistic. If you expect more than that you are going to set yourself up for disappointment. If you lose fast you gain fast so the slower you take to lose the weight the better for you in the long run - you are speaking to the master of Yo-Yo dieting here.
- STOP climbing on the scale every week, weigh yourself every 2 weeks and remember muscle weighs more than your fat!
- Envy - Each and every one of us is different, we are unique! Your progress will never be the same as the person gyming next to you or even gyming as hard as you and eating exactly what you eat - WE ARE DIFFERENT and that is something you ALL need to wrap your minds around - so resist the temptation to compare yourself to the person next to you.Joe Soap has his own strengths and weaknesses too they just not like yours!
- Boring Routines - you have to change this up regularly to keep your body guessing, so often I see the same person, on the same treadmil doing the same walking on the same gradient and the same incline and I see no changes...this is because your body adapts and you hit a plateau so be sure to ass variation to your training.
- Do not starve yourself this is not going to help you lose weight and it wont give you the energy you need to train, starve yourself and watch your body hold onto that fat for the energy it needs to survive.6 Small meals a day. Eat clean, train mean and get lean ladies!
- Over exercising = burnout! Everything in moderation even exercise and if you starting out 30-40min a day is more than enough...CHILL OUT we know you want to lose weight but we do not want to rush you to hospital, we want healthy happy people.
- Training the same muscles everyday - yes I know you have a saggy bum and a wobbly tummy and you so badly want to get rid of them but doing these exercises everyday isn't going to help you need to give your muscle groups a chance to repair and grow so don't train the same muscle group two days in a row.
Excuse me but I think I just "jizzed in my pants"
This has got to be the BEST link any body has ever shown me and now I get to share it with you all....enjoy and if you make anything, I get a tester...#justsaying
Happy Healthy Cooking and Baking!
This has got to be the BEST link any body has ever shown me and now I get to share it with you all....enjoy and if you make anything, I get a tester...#justsaying
Happy Healthy Cooking and Baking!
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
So I tried these today, I would like to call them Protein brownies
Protein Brownies:
No matter your lifestyle there is always going to come a moment where you feel like a little treat and what better than a protein brownie.
- 1 Cup of Oat Flour (If you grind your own then use about 1 and a 1/2 cups)
- 2 Scoops of Vanilla Whey Protein (I used chocolate)
- 1/2 Cup of Splenda or something similar
- 1/2 tspn Bicarb
- 1/4 tspn Salt
- 3 tbspn Cocoa Powder
- 4 Egg Whites
- 250ml Berry Flavour Baby Purity or make your own berry pulp
- 120ml Water
- Preheat your oven to 180 degrees
- Mix Dry Ingredients together
- Mix Wet ingredients together
- Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix
- Add the mixture to a spray and cooked dish
- Bake for 20-30 min
- Cut into squares
It should make roughly 16 squares and 2 squares = 1 serving
Per serving:
Kcal - 96
Fat - 1.4g
Carbs - 12g
Protein - 10g
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Tuna Cakes - Simple Quick and Easy Recipe that tastes good!
If you are not the biggest fan of tuna and cannot stomach to eat it directly out of a can - how about trying these babies...it might give eating tuna an entirely new meaning to you!
Tuna Cakes
- 1 Can of Tuna in brine drained
- 1 beaten egg white
- 2 tablespoons of Bokomo oats
- 2 tablespoons of onion, diced
- 1/4 tspn of garlic powder
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Mix all ingredients together in a bowl
- Heat a non stick frying pan over medium heat and spray with weigh-less spray and cook
- Shape the ingredients into two small patties and cook until both sides are brown.
2 Servings
Each Serving Contains: 25g Protein, 4g Carbs, 2g Fat, 144 Kcal
Eating clean doesn't have to be boring and tasteless: Cajun Style Sweet Potato
Cajun Style Sweet Potato
- 2 medium sweet potatoes
- 1 tspn paprika
- 1/4 tspn onion powder
- 1/4 tspn thyme
- 1/4 tspn rosemary
- 1/4 tspn garlic powder
- pinch of cayenne pepper
- 1 tspn olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In a small bowl, mix together paprika, onion powder, thyme, rosemary,garlic powder and cayenne pepper.
- Slice the sweet potato in half lengthwise
- Brush each half with Olive Oil
- Rub the seasoning mix over the cut surface you have just put olive oil on of each potato
- Place sweet potatoes on a baking sheet
- Bake until tender (roughly 45min)
Each Serving Contains: 2g Protein, 27g Carbs, 2g Fat, 124 Kcal
Monday, August 06, 2012
KILLER cardio session!
Try it....
1 Minute Jump Rope
1 Minute High knees
1 Minute Butt Kicks
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
20 Burpees
10 min run or 10 min cycle
1 Minute Jump Rope
1 Minute High knees
1 Minute Butt Kicks
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
10 Push Ups
10 Tricep Dips
10 min run or 10 min cycle
1 Minute Jump Rope
1 Minute High knees
1 Minute Butt Kicks
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
1 Minute Mountain Climbers
20 Burpees
10 min run or 10 min cycle
That should conclude a 50min cardio session....how do you feel? You should feel great because you are one step closer to a better body this summer!
1 Minute Jump Rope
1 Minute High knees
1 Minute Butt Kicks
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
20 Burpees
10 min run or 10 min cycle
1 Minute Jump Rope
1 Minute High knees
1 Minute Butt Kicks
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
10 Push Ups
10 Tricep Dips
10 min run or 10 min cycle
1 Minute Jump Rope
1 Minute High knees
1 Minute Butt Kicks
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
1 Minute Mountain Climbers
20 Burpees
10 min run or 10 min cycle
That should conclude a 50min cardio session....how do you feel? You should feel great because you are one step closer to a better body this summer!
Ice Ice Baby....
Its freeeeezing in the Mother City today, how does one stay motivated to eat correctly and who wants to go train in this weather right?
Wouldn't it just be so much better to leave the office drive straight past the gym and go directly to the McDonald's drive through and buy that BIG Mac, head on home, shower, climb into your warmest track pants, get under the covers and switch on your favourite sitcom and if you lucky cuddle up with that special someone who had the same idea as you...if you answered yes...you are human BUT you cannot have a serious enough goal if you said yes to any of the above that I just mentioned...you are sooooo BUSTED!
During the summer months it is easier to be outdoors and get that heart pumping by doing some sort of physical activity, walking the dog, going for a jog, when the sun is out we have smiles on our faces and a spring in our steps, but let the cold hit and we all want to wear that baggy warm top and climb on the couch and curl up, go into hibernation for the winter.
You have worked pretty hard up until winter rolled in so why throw all your hard work away just because it is cold. It won't be easy to stay motivated, I know, I struggle but:
Mantra: I will work out ALL winter to Look GREAT this summer!
With that being said I am off to do an hour of cardio....laters baby!
Wouldn't it just be so much better to leave the office drive straight past the gym and go directly to the McDonald's drive through and buy that BIG Mac, head on home, shower, climb into your warmest track pants, get under the covers and switch on your favourite sitcom and if you lucky cuddle up with that special someone who had the same idea as you...if you answered yes...you are human BUT you cannot have a serious enough goal if you said yes to any of the above that I just mentioned...you are sooooo BUSTED!
During the summer months it is easier to be outdoors and get that heart pumping by doing some sort of physical activity, walking the dog, going for a jog, when the sun is out we have smiles on our faces and a spring in our steps, but let the cold hit and we all want to wear that baggy warm top and climb on the couch and curl up, go into hibernation for the winter.
You have worked pretty hard up until winter rolled in so why throw all your hard work away just because it is cold. It won't be easy to stay motivated, I know, I struggle but:
- Set yourself a Winter Goal - wow doesn't that look familiar (Stuck record!)
- Eat warm veg vs. salads in winter
- Stick to your usual routine,just because the weather changes doesn't mean your routine needs to change if it involves being outdoors, move it indoors for those days.
- Get a friend who gyms to meet you at the gym, the buddy system works well for me, this way you can't cancel because you are not only letting yourself down you are letting your buddy down too.
- Keep reminding yourself that Summer comes after winter, do you want to be using summer to work off the extra layer of fat you gained in the winter months from all the comfort food and hibernating you have been doing or do you want to be on the beach looking good?
Mantra: I will work out ALL winter to Look GREAT this summer!
With that being said I am off to do an hour of cardio....laters baby!
Sunday was Fun Day....Leg Training
Who had a great weekend?
I sure did, had a rather eventful one and I even managed to fit my leg training day in - what a good girl!
Feeling rather weak yesterday from the weekends events I still pushed hard and left the gym sopnat for lack of better words right now ha ha ha
....and my leg training looks a little something like this:
If you are not soaking wet after your leg workout do not leave the gym....go back inside and do it all over again because you must have done something wrong :-P
So that concludes a weeks training at the gym and I hope by me sharing my exercise routine you are left feeling less lost in the gym like I used to when I first started out.
REMEMBER: Everyone has to start somewhere and not everyone knows everything either so if you are unsure ASK, that is the only way I managed to learn, it is daunting to ask someone at the gym for help or how to do a certain exercise but if you don't ask you may be doing it wrong which could mean you won't get the results you are hoping for or you could end up hurting yourself and having an injury means time off gym and we don't want that now do we!
I sure did, had a rather eventful one and I even managed to fit my leg training day in - what a good girl!
Feeling rather weak yesterday from the weekends events I still pushed hard and left the gym sopnat for lack of better words right now ha ha ha
....and my leg training looks a little something like this:
- Dumbbell Squats 5 sets of 10,8,8,6,4 reps
- Step Ups 5 sets of 10,8,8,6,4 reps per leg
- Leg Extensions 3 sets of 12 reps per set
- Lunges 3 sets of 12 reps per set
- Leg Curl 3 sets of 12 reps per set
- Deadlifts 3 sets of 12 reps per set
- Abductor 3 sets of 12 reps per set
- Adductor 3 sets of 12 reps per set
If you are not soaking wet after your leg workout do not leave the gym....go back inside and do it all over again because you must have done something wrong :-P
So that concludes a weeks training at the gym and I hope by me sharing my exercise routine you are left feeling less lost in the gym like I used to when I first started out.
REMEMBER: Everyone has to start somewhere and not everyone knows everything either so if you are unsure ASK, that is the only way I managed to learn, it is daunting to ask someone at the gym for help or how to do a certain exercise but if you don't ask you may be doing it wrong which could mean you won't get the results you are hoping for or you could end up hurting yourself and having an injury means time off gym and we don't want that now do we!
Friday, August 03, 2012
Day 5 of my 12 week challenge...
I won't lie I feel thinner, still suffering a bit with headaches but this Paleo eating is all part of my trial and error to find what works for me and what doesn't as you should all be doing on your journey to healthier lifestyles...try something if it doesn't work then find something that does and change it up.
Today will be dedicated to cardio and working my "Heini" as well as calves...saving LEG DAY for Sunday!
I will do 45min cardio, which will consist of walking on an incline of 15 at a pace of 5.5 with long strides so I can feel the burn in my glutes aka Heini...
Amanda Latona is definitely a fitness model favourite of mine she has a backside that could crack nuts *Facepalm* in a no homo kind of way...she is HOT and I follow her Booty/Glute Workout - this you can do twice a week say a Friday and a Monday.
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This routine will take your but from "bleh" to "bootylicious" |
Thanks to the crew SN_CapeQuarter https://twitter.com/sn_capequarter for telling me about this routine, my booty at comp time was definitely toit like a toiger!
Booty Workout:
- Leg Press (feet together): 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Smith Press Lunge: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Butt Blaster: 3 drop sets of 10-15 reps, each leg
- Cable Kickbacks: 3 sets of 12-18 reps, each leg
- Hip Abductor : 3 sets of 10-12 reps,
Day 4 of my 12 week Challenge...
Day 4 got off to a great start. I jumped on the scale, yes I know I should only be weighing myself after 2 weeks but I felt thinner, I am human, I therefore have a curious mind....YaY the scale did not say this to me!
Day 4 of my challenge, I am down 2kg...it is most probably water loss, which is what happens during your first week of cleaning up your diet...remember eating carbs = your body retains water - oh we LOVE you carbs! So considering I have cut out grains and lowered my carb intake I think it is safe to say that it is more water loss than fat loss but any loss is good when you start, just like any other girl seeing the scale move keeps me motivated (even though you should not let the scale rule your life - judge by your clothing and measurements - that's the best way to keep yourself motivated but I am human and I falter)
The scale did not shout back at me "Go Run" but that is what I did anyways...picked my friend Kerry up and we hit the Promenade in Seapoint for a 10km run and climbed 200stairs - feel your ass burn much!
It is so great to get out into the fresh air and take it all in, besides getting your heart pumping you are reminded of all the things you can be thankful for and you get to see some strange sculptures along the way...WOW - we live in a beautiful City hey! We are all so Blessed.
That was my Thursday contribution to fitness and to my 12 week challenge. I rested the evening and never trained a muscle group - Rest is important, your body needs the recovery time, remember that R&R - rest and recovery!
Pssssttt - Today is FRIDAY can I get a Hell Yeah!
Day 4 of my challenge, I am down 2kg...it is most probably water loss, which is what happens during your first week of cleaning up your diet...remember eating carbs = your body retains water - oh we LOVE you carbs! So considering I have cut out grains and lowered my carb intake I think it is safe to say that it is more water loss than fat loss but any loss is good when you start, just like any other girl seeing the scale move keeps me motivated (even though you should not let the scale rule your life - judge by your clothing and measurements - that's the best way to keep yourself motivated but I am human and I falter)
The scale did not shout back at me "Go Run" but that is what I did anyways...picked my friend Kerry up and we hit the Promenade in Seapoint for a 10km run and climbed 200stairs - feel your ass burn much!
It is so great to get out into the fresh air and take it all in, besides getting your heart pumping you are reminded of all the things you can be thankful for and you get to see some strange sculptures along the way...WOW - we live in a beautiful City hey! We are all so Blessed.
That was my Thursday contribution to fitness and to my 12 week challenge. I rested the evening and never trained a muscle group - Rest is important, your body needs the recovery time, remember that R&R - rest and recovery!
Pssssttt - Today is FRIDAY can I get a Hell Yeah!
Day 3 Evening Training...and then some
Eeeeek! A bit behind so let me do a quick catch up...like a 3 in 1 manouver over here!
So day three's training continued with a 5km run then Chest and Triceps (remember I increase the weight for each set I do)
If your arms don't feel like jelly...you haven't worked them hard enough Bro :-P
I have been showing a friend of mine the ropes at gym and I decided to show her the AB Ripper after our Chest and Tri training - BIG BIG BIG mistake today is Friday and I am still unable to even smile as I swear it pulls my abdominals and I feel as tho tears start to form in my eyes HA HA HA!!!
Note to self: One session of AB Ripper per day is ALL you need Tarrin!
So that concluded Day 3's training!
So day three's training continued with a 5km run then Chest and Triceps (remember I increase the weight for each set I do)
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets of 10,8,8,6 reps
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 8,8,6 reps
- Peck Deck Machine 3 sets of 8,8,6 reps
- Dumbell Flys 2 sets of 10 reps
- Dumbbell Pullover 2 sets of 10 reps
- Tricep Pushdowns 4 sets of 10,8,8,6 reps
- Tricep Bench Dips 3 sets of 10 reps
- Tricep Kick Backs 3 sets of 10 reps
- Tricep Overhead extensions 3 sets of 10 reps
If your arms don't feel like jelly...you haven't worked them hard enough Bro :-P
I have been showing a friend of mine the ropes at gym and I decided to show her the AB Ripper after our Chest and Tri training - BIG BIG BIG mistake today is Friday and I am still unable to even smile as I swear it pulls my abdominals and I feel as tho tears start to form in my eyes HA HA HA!!!
Note to self: One session of AB Ripper per day is ALL you need Tarrin!
So that concluded Day 3's training!
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
How to eat clean..train mean and get lean!
I was recently asked what I mean when I say I "eat clean" so this is what inspired this Blog post...this is from what I have learnt and how I perceive things AND what works for me.
Basically how I see it is, eating clean is choosing the least processed foods and going for the freshest nutrient-dense foods out there. So do away with the fast foods and head to the "fresh" section in the shops rather than picking up the heat and eat box meals or that finger licking good KFC every Friday, Saturday and Sunday...
Eating clean means making food choices that are low in saturated fats,high in fiber and have the essential vitamins and minerals in them still and have not been processed to the max and loaded with sugar - the devil!
Eating clean not only boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight but it can assist in proper digestion and give you that increased energy you need. Choosing low GI carb alternatives help regulate your blood sugar levels and help maintain your energy levels because the "sugar/glucose" in these types of carbs are slow releasing.
Something I read was the 80/20 rule:
Eat healthy foods like lean meat,fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and whole grains 80% of the time
20% of the time eat the things you used to over indulge in - that perhaps aren't as good for your body like a pizza on a Friday night :-p
Everything in moderation and I feel if you want something to not deprive yourself, get rid of the craving but one meal don't pig out all day that will leave you feeling miserable - learn a little discipline and perhaps find healthier options for those cravings you have.
If I crave chocolate I will rather go for Lindt Chocolate 85% Cocoa over a Tempo which used to be my first option or I will use cocoa powder and sweetener to make myself a Hot Choc Drink in the winter time - there are always healthier options, most of us are just too lazy to make it and unhealthier options are the lazy mans dream...quick and easy!
Come guys nothing worthwhile in life comes easy...you gotta work for it, so get off your ass and take 2min extra to make the Hot cocoa drink vs the quick and easy hot chocolate out of the bottle that is loaded with the devil - sorry I mean sugar!
Some Clean Eating Food Items:
- Rye Bread, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Wholewheat Couscous
- Spinach, Kale, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Apples, Bananas, Berries, Kiwis, Oranges
- Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Ostrich, Egg Whites
- Salmon, Tuna
- Almond nuts, macadamia nuts, pecan nuts and cashew nuts
- Avocado's and Flaxseed Oil
- Fat free bulgarian yoghurt
- Fat Free Milk
This mornings AB Ripper Session....You can do it too!
This is the AB Ripper workout I did this morning - try it sometime and tell me how it went for you.
I will do this every second day, perhaps not only this routine but I will train ABs every second day.
In the Ab Ripper X there are 11 exercises and they need to be repeated 25 times:
In & Outs, Seated Bicycles, Seated Crunchy Frogs,
Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Situps, Fifer Scissors, Hip Rock'N Raises, Pulse
Ups, Roll-Ups, Oblique V-Ups, Leg Climbs and Mason Twists.
Below are some of the 11 explained to you...for the rest have a look on the internet if you are not sure of how to do them. Research on the internet is great you learn something new everyday! I am forever learning new tips and tricks ;)
In & Outs
on your buttocks with your knees fully bent and tucked to your body.
Place your hands on the ground for balance, or raise them in the air for an extra
challenge. Extend your legs fully while leaning backwards with your
torso to maintain your balance. Pull your legs back in while leaning
forward with your torso.
Repeat this cycle for 25 repetitions.
the same position as you did for In & Outs. Move your legs in a
bicycle pedaling pattern, alternating between legs while keeping your
torso static.
Repeat for 25 cycles in a forward-pedaling motion and 25
cycles in a backwards motion.
Crunchy Frog
the same position as you did for In & Outs, except with both arms
fully extended at 90 degrees to the side. While moving your legs in the
In & Outs motion, swing your arms forward to wrap your incoming
legs, and swing them back out to the starting position as your legs
Repeat for 25 repetitions.
Cross Leg/Wide Leg Situps
by either crossing your legs in front of you or extending your legs and
spreading them wide; the latter is easier and the former is more
challenging. Lay down on your back, placing one hand behind your head
and pointing the other arm straight up. Perform a sit-up, reaching
across with your extended arm to the opposite side of your body. Return
to the starting position while switching arms.
Repeat the motion in
alternating directions 25 times.
Fifer Scissors
flat on your back with one straight leg as close to perpendicular as
possible to the floor. Hold the other leg as close to parallel as
possible to the floor but not touching. Every two seconds, alternate the
position of the two legs, holding them in place during the pauses.
Repeat for 25 repetitions.
Hip Rock 'N Raise
on your back, with the soles of your feet together and your legs
arranged in a butterfly position. While maintaining your leg
arrangement, raise your legs until your toes are pointing perpendicular
to the ground and thrust your buttocks off the ground using your hips
and abdominals.
Return to the starting position, and repeat for 25
Pulse Ups
Repeat for 25 repetitions.
Joining the Sleekgeek Judging Panel..what an honour
WOW! I am so excited about the next Sleekgeek Summer Challenge!
Even more excited that I have been asked to join the Judging panel! I am honoured to be a part of this community they call Sleekgeek. Here is my page on their website :)))
Have an absolutely fabulous day Fitizens!
Even more excited that I have been asked to join the Judging panel! I am honoured to be a part of this community they call Sleekgeek. Here is my page on their website :)))
Have an absolutely fabulous day Fitizens!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Day 2 of my 12 week challenge
Suffering BIG time today...massive headache...just need to get past about day 4 and my headaches should subside along with the craving for any form of carb right now LOL...I am such a girl! Lindt chocolate would be great right about now THANKS!
So today's training involved another muscle group I love to train - BACK BABY...ok well and Biceps which I am not so crazy about as I was definitely in the back of the queue when "Guns" were handed out #BLEAK :( buuuuuut if I don't train them as hard as possible they shall stay non existent and I want a body that looks in proportion thank you!
You got to force yourself to do the things you don't want to do - like train my biceps LOL!
40 min incline walking
15 incline
6 speed
So today's training involved another muscle group I love to train - BACK BABY...ok well and Biceps which I am not so crazy about as I was definitely in the back of the queue when "Guns" were handed out #BLEAK :( buuuuuut if I don't train them as hard as possible they shall stay non existent and I want a body that looks in proportion thank you!
You got to force yourself to do the things you don't want to do - like train my biceps LOL!
- Chin Ups 2 sets 8 reps per set
- One Arm Dumbbell row 2 sets 8 reps per set
- Bent Over Barbell Row 2 sets 8 reps per set
- Seated Row 3 sets 10 reps per set
- Lat Pull Down 3 sets 10 reps for 2 sets and last set 8 reps
- In/Out Standing Dumbbell Curl 3 sets of 10 reps per set (both arms together)
- Hammer Curls 3 sets of 10 reps per set (one arm at a time)
- 21's 3 sets
- Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets of 10 reps per set (both arms together)
- Corkscrew Curls 3 sets of 10 reps per set (one arm at a time)
40 min incline walking
15 incline
6 speed
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It ain't rocket science...You put 100% in...You get 100% out #SIMPLE |
MissHagan's First Photo Shoot
So...better late than never - just before Mr&Miss Fitness SA in May this year I decided to reward myself with a photo shoot to show off my hard work I had been doing over the last couple of months.
I arranged with my friend Tatum who works at Protea Hotels to organise a loft apartment at the Victoria Junction Hotel in Green Point (wow it was beautiful and they were so accommodating) and I had asked my friend Darren Bester (check out his website: http://darrenbester.co.za/) to do the shoot- his work is amazing and I couldn't think of a better person to do the job, being my first photo shoot I was nervous as hell and he made me feel at ease and well from the finished product - you can be the judge yourself!
Here are some of the shots that I favour...
I arranged with my friend Tatum who works at Protea Hotels to organise a loft apartment at the Victoria Junction Hotel in Green Point (wow it was beautiful and they were so accommodating) and I had asked my friend Darren Bester (check out his website: http://darrenbester.co.za/) to do the shoot- his work is amazing and I couldn't think of a better person to do the job, being my first photo shoot I was nervous as hell and he made me feel at ease and well from the finished product - you can be the judge yourself!
Here are some of the shots that I favour...
First Day of my personal 12 week challenge...eating the Paleo way
So yesterday I woke up and started my own personal 12 week challenge to lose 5% Body Fat minimum ( but I know I will not stop there so let's be realistic and say about 8-10% Body Fat)
I have decided to do a 30day Paleo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_diet eating Challenge with my mate Nic along side this 12 week challenge. I must say cutting out grains and dairy etc definitely left me feeling a bit weak at the end of the day and I wasn't able to lift half the weight I usually would but I know after a week of this basic "detox" I am going to feel refreshed and ALIVE...FULL of ENERGY so a few days of headaches, dizziness etc is well worth it!
I started my day off with a 45min cardio session - HIIT...sprints - well sort of LOL
I jogged for 10min, sprinted for 1min, walked for 3min and then sprinted for 1min again and this I repeated 3 times.
In the afternoon I hit the gym for my second gym session (yes I could do it all in one go at the gym but I have time on my hands so I split my work out up in two and training weights on an empty stomach for me is difficult as I then lack the energy needed to actually lift the weights I need to)
My second session for the day involved training Shoulders, this is definitely one of my favourite body parts to train! I am trying to build some muscle so my weight is heavy and my reps are lower than I would normally do when cutting.
I am eating roughly 1600 calories a day, just a little FYI
Meal 1 (after morning cardio)
2 scoops of SN Explode whey Protein
Meal 2
2 Egg Whites
2 Whole Eggs
1 Cup of Mushrooms
Meal 3
1 Apple
30g Almonds
Meal 4
120g Protein (Fish, Chicken, Beef etc etc)
Salad or 200g Mixed Veg
Meal 5
50g Beef Biltong
1/2 a Avocado
Meal 6
120g Chicken Fillet
Salad or Brocolli or Green Beans or Mixed Veg
Meal 7
2 scoops of SN Explode whey Protein
Hope this helps a little with understanding more or less what can and cannot be eaten on a Paleo style eating plan.
Have a great day fitness junkies! I will be back with Day 2 training schedule soon :)
Bye for now....
I have decided to do a 30day Paleo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_diet eating Challenge with my mate Nic along side this 12 week challenge. I must say cutting out grains and dairy etc definitely left me feeling a bit weak at the end of the day and I wasn't able to lift half the weight I usually would but I know after a week of this basic "detox" I am going to feel refreshed and ALIVE...FULL of ENERGY so a few days of headaches, dizziness etc is well worth it!
I started my day off with a 45min cardio session - HIIT...sprints - well sort of LOL
I jogged for 10min, sprinted for 1min, walked for 3min and then sprinted for 1min again and this I repeated 3 times.
In the afternoon I hit the gym for my second gym session (yes I could do it all in one go at the gym but I have time on my hands so I split my work out up in two and training weights on an empty stomach for me is difficult as I then lack the energy needed to actually lift the weights I need to)
My second session for the day involved training Shoulders, this is definitely one of my favourite body parts to train! I am trying to build some muscle so my weight is heavy and my reps are lower than I would normally do when cutting.
- Shoulder Press 3 sets 10 reps per set
- Dumbell reverse fly's 3 sets 10 reps per set
- Military Press 4 sets 10 reps per set
- Hammer Style Front Raises 2 sets 10 reps per set
- Dumbell/ Cable Lateral Raises 2 sets 10 reps per set
- Dumbell Shrugs 2 sets 10 reps per set
- Upright rows 2 sets 10 reps per set
I am eating roughly 1600 calories a day, just a little FYI
Meal 1 (after morning cardio)
2 scoops of SN Explode whey Protein
Meal 2
2 Egg Whites
2 Whole Eggs
1 Cup of Mushrooms
Meal 3
1 Apple
30g Almonds
Meal 4
120g Protein (Fish, Chicken, Beef etc etc)
Salad or 200g Mixed Veg
Meal 5
50g Beef Biltong
1/2 a Avocado
Meal 6
120g Chicken Fillet
Salad or Brocolli or Green Beans or Mixed Veg
Meal 7
2 scoops of SN Explode whey Protein
Hope this helps a little with understanding more or less what can and cannot be eaten on a Paleo style eating plan.
Have a great day fitness junkies! I will be back with Day 2 training schedule soon :)
Bye for now....
Friday, July 27, 2012
This is how I do it and this is how I did it...
So I have been asked a few times by different people how
I train, what I eat etc etc...
2011 I made a conscious decision (as I am sure you all
now know from my previous blog posts) that not only would I better myself by
becoming healthy, losing weight, living a better lifestyle and making Gym my
second home LOL, I set a Goal to Compete in the Mr. & Miss Fitness SA 2012
pageant. It’s good to set goals for yourself, it keeps you focused….
So dieting for comp started last August 2011, I had 7
months to drop the massive amount of weight or should I say body fat I needed
to while packing on muscle before I moved over to Opus (a diet that cuts you in
to get you looking lean, but that’s a story for another rainy day)…I had my
work cut out for me but as they say:
Mind ∙ Full Heart ∙ Can’t Lose
My journey has included a lot of trial and error as everyone’s
body is different and you have to find what works best for you. I am still
learning something new everyday and I will be forever improving on what I
already know.
My eating plan as I like to call it because diet is such a dirty
word ;) consists of high protein with a balance of good clean carbs and healthy
fats. I try to eat as clean as possible all year round but we are all Human so
I allow myself a ‘piggy meal’ – not day, just a meal people...let’s not get
carried away please.
An example of my daily eating
plan would be as follows:
Meal 1: 2 Scoops of SN Explode Whey Protein
30g Oats
Meal 2: 50g Beef Biltong or 100g
Smoked or Grilled Chicken Breast (No Skin)
tbspn Flaxseed Oil
Meal 3: 100g Grilled Chicken Fillets or
Smoked Chicken
Sweet Potato
tbspn Flaxseed Oil
Meal 4: 3 Egg Whites and 1 Whole Egg
Slice of 100% Rye Bread
Meal 5: 2 Scoops of SN Explode Whey Protein
Meal 6: 120g Fish
Green Mixed Salad (Cucumber, Lettuce)
Medium Tomato
OR 150g Broccoli/Asparagus/Green
tbspn Flaxseed Oil
Meal 1 I will have after my morning cardio work out and Meal
5 will be after my evening weight training session. I try drink a minimum of 3L
of water per day and keep my meals 2 to 3 hours apart.
My supplementation is pretty basic:
SN Explode Whey
Protein – So yummy it tastes like I am cheating every time I drink it!
SN Detonate Pre - Workout – If I feel I need it, I
am not a massive fan of stimulants as I feel funny and light headed but they
help give you that extra pump.
BCAA’s – During
my workout
A good Multi Vitamin
Vitamin C
Flaxseed Oil
The guys at SN Cape Quarter, Somerset Road, Green Point Shaun and Marco (Find them on
twitter @SN_Cape Quarter) help me with information regarding my supplementation
and they assisted me with any training tips I needed while prepping for the
competition and trying to shed the kilo’s – they are definitely a great team
down at that store and anyone looking for some advice or motivation should go
check them out, their down to earth nature and willingness to help where they
can makes you feel like you’re part of a family and I love that!
My training routine during this time,
1 hour cardio every morning on an empty stomach
Monday: Chest and Triceps (and calves)
Tuesday: Back and Biceps (and abs)
Wednesday: Shoulders (and calves)
Thursday: Legs and Focusing on Glutes
Friday: Full Upper Body Workout (and
Saturday: Take it outside if the weather is nice a walk on the beach or
climbing the stairs at Clifton for
a great ass workout or any form of functional High Intensity Training
Sunday: Rest and Recovery Day
When trying to build muscle I keep my weights heavy and my
reps at 8-10 and the closer to competition I got and the more I want to cut and
define I would move my reps to 12-15 and a lighter weight.
I set realistic short term goals for myself, like 2-3% Body
Fat and 1kg down every 4 weeks. To stay motivated I take progress pictures of
myself every two weeks and use my clothes as a judge to how well I am
progressing. I avoid the scale at all costs – muscle weighs more than fat and
until you wrap your mind around this – the scale will be your worst enemy as
weeks may go by and the scale wont budge but it is only because you are building
muscle and I learnt this the hard way after being left in tears a few times
looking at the number on the scale!
If I could give anyone trying to lose weight some tips, they
would be as follows:
Drink at least 3L of water a day
EVERYTHING in moderation
Try eat as clean as possible every day and allow
yourself that 1 “piggy meal” a week if needed.
This one is for the LADIES – DO NOT BE AFRAID TO LIFT
HEAVY! You will not look like Johnny Bravo ever, you do not have the
testosterone levels to look like a man, what will happen is you will tone and
there isn’t anything nicer than a toned, sexy body!
Be consistent and remember it took you years to put on
the kilo’s so it won’t take you 1 week to lose it all, be patient!
Make clean eating and exercise a lifestyle then it won’t
seem like a chore. There is NO quick fix, trust me – I know!
Ali once said:
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