Monday, July 25, 2016

MySugar Family Funday

Sunday we decided to take advantage of the gorgeous Cape Town weather and headed down to My Sugar in Sea Point to try out their gourmet shakes.

Source of image
We had hoped to sit down and take in the entire experience but they were so busy they could only offer us take-away milkshakes. Probably a good thing as I doubt Camden would've been able to sit still for so long and the place was packed.

There was so much yumminess in one place how does one possibly choose one flavour milkshake when they all sound so awesome. Never-the-less we eventually made up our minds. I had the butterscotch popcorn milkshake and just like the owner said, it tasted like a bit of the movies in a milkshake. It was beyond amazing! Wayne opted for the Super Chocolate and it was just that...SUPER chocolate!

I never had the opportunity to take any photos of the work of art that was our gourmet take-away shakes because of all the hustle and bustle and the amount of people all waiting to order.

I took this image off the Eat Out website because these shakes NEED to be appreciated.

We decided to take a drive to the Promenade and let Camden ride his bike while we walked off the milkshakes we had just had - I think we needed to walk at least 21km to burn maybe half of those shakes off....calories galore!

Cheat Meal right there!

The weather was amazing and it is always a real treat to get out with my boys.

Camden loves the outdoors...

Camden loves making friends...

BUT Camden HATES to leave...can you tell by the look on his face in the last two pictures. I had to tell a white lie and say we had sweets in the car so he wouldn't resist leaving...I am a terrible mom I know lol.

He was not impressed when he realised there were no sweets.

The Promenade is always such a good choice as a family outing and the bonus is that it doesn't cost you a cent. It is free family fun!