It has been a year I am not sure I would like to repeat again anytime soon. It has been a terribly busy year, filled with many happy yet many more sad and stressful moments.
With our wedding a mere three months away and it being the end of the year, our busy season at work, life for me just doesn't seem to stand still for one second unless I am managing to catch a few hours sleep at night - if Camden decides to sleep through, we are still dealing with a toddler who wakes up every night and we have experienced weeks of teething hell with our little guy.
Stress levels are at an all time high at the moment with Wayne having lost his job in October and it being the most difficult time of the year to find work and wedding bills to pay. It hasn't all been a walk in the park but each day I wake up and try to remain positive that everything will work out in the end. After all there are people in the world that are worse off than us so I need to be grateful for what we do have in this difficult time.
We have tried to, as a family over weekends spend as much time with Camden as possible. I don't get to see much of him in the week with being a working mom and all so we have to make up for lost time over the weekends and I feel we have been doing a pretty good job.
In the week almost every second evening we go for a family stroll around the neighbourhood. Camden has gone from a child who absolutely hated his stroller to a child who climbs into his stroller by the front door and cries until we take him for a walk, the dog does a similar thing by the front door so it is rather entertaining to have Camden crying in his stroller and the dog next to him whimpering to go for his walk as well.

In October, Camden had his first haircut. He was surprisingly well behaved and looked super handsome after his fresh first cut.

We have spent time braaing with friends and family and swimming with Camden at home. Camden absolutely loves the water and is swimming unassisted with water wings and jumping in the pool, going under the water with no tears, this child just seems to have a no fear approach to all that he does, I think his grandmother and GG's nerves are finished when they are around. We will be sending him for individual swimming lessons come January. Excuse the bottle in the below picture, Camden and his bottle are inseparable and here he is pictured multitasking lol.

We have also taken Camden to the beach a few times, he loves the outdoors and he loves it when he has to wear the least amount of clothing as possible. Naked Camden is happy Camden. We have to watch him closely as he loves to just go up to random strangers and wave and say hello, of course the ladies think this is adorable and the minute they flash Camden a smile, Camden is hooked and wants to follow them home, such a Casanova. he must take after his father in this regard.

It is Christmas time in a few weeks and we have a really intimate family Christmas lunch arranged. Our family has decreased in numbers the last few years with my great gramps and my grandfather passing on. It will be a sad Christmas for me this year. To not have my grandfather there asking where his desert is before he has even had his mains or having him there to set the table alight in some way as he always managed to do each year, it is going to be very different. He will be missed this year and each year going forward.
I am however excited to see how Camden behaves this year when he sees Santa, last year he was so little that he didn't even register when he was sitting on Santa's lap.
He has had a Christmas party at his daycare, Fun time Daycare and I have seen a picture of him sitting on "Santa's" lap but he didn't seemed at all perturbed, he just seemed more interested in the present he had gotten.
We also did a family shoot November past, more on that coming soon...