Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A great day for freedom

This weekend we were blessed with another long weekend due to yesterday being freedom day. Wayne unfortunately had to work  most of the long weekend so I had a lot of spare time with Camden. He hasn't been feeling great lately due to this flu that still seems to be lingering after a total of six weeks. It makes him rather miserable at times, so if he isn't sleeping you need to keep him entertained to keep him happy.

Camden is extremely active these days and always on the go. He loves the outdoors and when he is cooped up for too long in the house he gets cabin fever.

What better day to give Camden some "freedom" to roam around the garden and get his gardening on and to spend quality time with my boy than on a sun shining Freedom Day in the Mother City.

He was absolutely in his element while exploring, eating the plants, digging in the sand and just getting messy.

Once the trousers came off ,things got serious...lol

As my uncle says, perhaps we have a future landscaper in our midst.