TEN months old, we are in the double digits and on the first birthday count down little man!
Oh it is breaking my heart, don't get me wrong I adore our little monkey but in just two short months he turns 1 and becomes a toddler. I can't deal!
Such an active boy with an extremely short attention span, no TV for this little guy. Wayne and I laugh at times because he reminds us of Dory from the move "Finding Nemo". When you look at him you can see his mind is all over the show, to keep him entertained you literally need to give him a new toy every minute. I just place him in front of his toy box these days and he helps himself by throwing all the toys out, I will need to start teaching him how to pack them back soon but he isn't quite ready for that just yet. He bashes, clangs, pushes buttons on the toys he knows light up or make a noise, puts the balls in his lion toys mouth and opens the hatch to let the balls back out again - such a clever little boy. He has started taking a liking to specific toys lately and he absolutely loves this walker of his.
Giving his lion some love |
He is becoming so independent and I shouldn't let it scare me because there are many more years before he will be out of the house and I need to let him be his own little person but wow when those days come I will sure miss him being my little boy.
These days he loves to point, at everything. His finger is almost permanently in the pointing position.
It is very difficult to get pictures of Camden, well it has been that way for a few months now. I am no photographer and I have little patience when it comes to photography. He has a complete mind of his own. When I call him to look at the camera he looks the other way on purpose and smiles with that naughty little smile of his. It is becoming increasingly difficult to even get one nice picture of him.
Talking about his naughty smile. If he is doing something he knows he shouldn't be doing he tends to look at me, scrunch up his eyes, reveal his teeth and give me the biggest naughty grin ever, something like this...
YAY! Our little champ has started walking with his walker. He still only takes a few steps, by a few I mean about 5 steps without his walker on his own and then remembers that crawling is way more simple, drops to his knees and shoots off like lightning.
He is loving his bath time, especially his bubble baths with dad. Brushes his teeth like a little champ these days - it is CRAZY how much he is changing!
There is so much more to say but we will be here forever. This month has been a tough one. I wouldn't say it has been the toughest month in all 10 months but it has been trying at times. Camden had a cold from month 9 right through to month 10, it finally cleared up about a week and a bit ago after finally taking him to the Paed as it hadn't cleared properly in almost 6 weeks.
He started sleeping better after his cold cleared and all was back to normal and then as if to just tease us...we think he started teething again this past week so we are currently back to sleepless nights with Camden waking up about four times a night, messy nappies, nappy rash, rosy cheeks and a little bit of an upset baby at times ( exhausted parents) but for the most part he has been a cheerful little chap full of noise!
We love our little monkey and we hope that this teething, if that is what it is takes it easy on our little guy because cutting the six teeth that he currently has was no joke for him...or us!
How big?: 77cm tall and around 11.2kg
Clothing Size: Currently 18-24 months
Eating: Almost anything but he prefers it if it is on your plate and if you don't give him some of your food quick enough he will be sure to help himself or moan and lick his lips while staring at you until you give him some. Even if you are eating exactly what he is eating it somehow seems far more interesting on your plate.
We have him currently on:
- A formula bottle when he wakes up, then around
- 8am he will have jungle oats for breakfast.
- 10am he may have a snack and 100ml of cows milk before his nap.
- For lunch he will have veg and protein or yoghurt, he loves plain yoghurt and fruit.
- 2pm he will have a 180ml formula bottle before his next nap
- Dinner he either has what we are eating or I give him a wholesome Umatie meal
- Just before bed time he has his last formula bottle for the day
He had his first taste of milkshake with dad this month and loved it but we won't be getting him too used to that - loaded with sugar!
Sleep: It hasn't been the best month when it comes to Camden and his sleep. In the beginning of the month he was terribly sick and due to a blocked nose his sleep was interrupted. We had a week and a bit of blissful sleep and then we think he started teething again and we went back to sleepless nights. All in all Camden is an extremely restless sleeper, always moving and rolling around. Most mornings this month he was wide awake at 4/5am and refused to go back to sleep. Some mornings we were blessed with a 6/6:30am morning but not many this month.
On a good night he will go to bed around 7.30pm once he has eaten, been bathed, played a bit more to get his last bit of energy out and then had his last bottle. We try read his bed time prayers to him when he is having his last bottle but the minute the book comes out Camden grabs it and just turns pages and more pages, opens and closes the book and then opens it and closes it and seems to get his second wind and go wild, he sometimes even tries to climb in the book of prayers, something about ANY book gets this child of ours so excited. It is the craziest thing so we have put reading books to him on hold for a while and I just sing his bible songs to him while he drinks his last bottle. Most nights he will wake around 2am and then go back to sleep until 4:30am, we give him his bottle at 4:30 because he will never just go back to sleep at this time in the morning. After his bottle he then goes back to sleep until about 6am.
Camden's sleeping through can be anything from 9 to 11 hours a night.
Movement: Stands on his own and drinks his bottles, so he is standing by himself for long periods of time now. He is walking about 5 steps unassisted and he is now walking and controlling his movements using his lion walker. Mostly he is crawling and getting around EVERYWHERE.
- Has mastered the art of sipping out his spout sippy cup and his straw cup. He was only able to get little bits out of his straw cup at a time but now he has it waxed. He has figured out that he needs to suck on his spout cup while turning the cup upside down - before he would just suck on it with his head down for ages and nothing would come out - lol.
- Walking totally unassisted with his lion walker - I am sorry, I know as his parents we must not laugh but to see him do this for the first time was the funniest yet most adorable thing we have ever seen.
- Stands next to dad in the bathroom and Brushes his teeth while standing unassisted.
- Had his first taste of milkshake
- Pointing
- Started standing for longer periods of time unassisted
- Stands and then bends down with both hands to pick up whatever he wants, this is so cute but funny at the same time.
- Loves to speed crawl away and then you must act as if you are chasing him and he screeches and kills himself laughing
- Celebrated mommy's first mothers day by going on his first cycle on a bicycle along the promenade.
- Had his first bubble bath (with dad)
Ten months post-partum: Mommy is finally starting to feel more like her old happy self emotionally.
I have been extremely sick again this month though and was feeling very down because of it, one cold virus on top of the next. Each time I started training at gym again, just like last month I seemed to catch whatever Camden had brought home with him from crèche and I would get sick. I am still currently getting over last weeks cold so I am hoping to be able to start training again this week - holding thumbs. It seems due to the lack of sleep my immune system has taken a knock but they say it gets better and the first year after having a baby is tough - here is to better sleeping patterns soon.