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2 weeks old and chilling like a BOSS! ( check the raver hands - lol) |
Ladies out there...if you think as a female you have the ability to multitask...you have not yet become a mother...I have NOW only realised what the true meaning of the word multitasking really is.
Yes, having a baby is so rewarding....You know the moment when you are peeping at him out of one eye at a 2 am feed wishing your life would end because you have not had proper sleep in days, being sleep deprived is no joke...and then he holds your finger with his tiny little hand ~ THAT right there is LOVE and makes all those 2 am feeds and screams worth while...yes, it is tough and NO-ONE is ever going to prepare you for it BUT it is rewarding and so amazing.
How Big?: 3.980 kg and 54 cm. Our boy is growing nicely according to the Sister we go to for his weekly check -ups.
Clothing Size: I spoke too soon. He is now fitting into the NB clothing and some of them are already a tight squeeze!
Eating: Every 3 1/2 hours to 4 hours. According to the Sister we are supposed to be feeding him 7 bottles of 80-100 ml every 3 1/2 hours or 6 bottles of 100-110 ml every 4 hours. Truth is, I have just given him 110 ml this entire week as he was lasting 2-3 hours on an 80 ml bottle. He gobbles down the 110 ml and still acts as if he is starving...little piggy, he even grunts just like one lol
Sleep: Good days and bad days...Sleep has been less this week, he has little cat naps and he is a lot more active already. At the moment he gets around 2 hours sleep at a time and that is often not solid sleep, he wakes up often. He has his moments where he might sleep for a solid 4 hours and these are the days that I am so grateful for, I manage to get a lot done around the house in those 4 hours and a little me time never hurt any new mother, even if it is just 15 minutes to sit on your own to drink a cup of coffee that is actually still hot while you breathe and (like my friend Karin always tells me) tell yourself you've got this! I sometimes think he has his days and nights a bit mixed up because often he sleeps like the dead in the day but at night he is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
I had my first time mom scare this week...the angel care monitor started beeping and this means there is no movement in his bassinet. I jumped out of bed almost ripping my c-section cut or internal stitches (it still hurts as I am typing this and it happened a few days ago) and grabbed him out of the cot. He was lifeless, like a rag doll...amazing that in a split second I managed to think of so many different scenarios but the one that I tried was, "Blow in his face" and it worked...he took one massive breathe and started crying. It happened again later in the week...my heart! I reckon he gets so lekker cozy that his breathing becomes so shallow and the monitor can't pick his movement up?!( well this is my theory and I am sticking to it). I am super paranoid about SIDS and I often wonder if having the monitor is just not making me more paranoid as some nights after I have fed him and struggle to get back to sleep I find myself staring at the monitor watching the movement icon tick away and the minute it looks like it slows down...my heart sinks...TYPICAL first time mom syndrome right?
Movement: His little raver hands are still at it, always on the go and now his head has started bobbing. We joke and say it is like he is bobbing to the music that plays from his little musical sheep that we have in his bassinet. We started "tummy time" with him this week and he screams blue murder most of the time. This boy of ours has a mind of his own and when he doesn't like something...you WILL know about it...he has a pair of lungs on him and he ain't shy to use them!
Milestones: First time Wayne bathed him this week! First time doing tummy time and he lifted his head really high every time, such a little champ! Nappy size change already, he is off the NB nappies and onto the 1's already. Went for his his first "breakfast date" with mommy, we went to meet two ladies that I have known since school and it was so nice to get out and he was so well-behaved ( High-five Camden). We went shopping with granny too.
Excitement this week: This may sound strange to some of you but I was so excited to hear that our little boy had gained all the weight and more that he had lost in the hospital after he was born....it put my mind at ease that at least we are doing something right. Gold star to us!
This week we seem to be in more of a "routine" even though things still seem so all over the place, I feel as though I am getting the hang of things. I have mastered the art of doing everything with one hand, I am pretty impressed if I may say so myself.
This week has had some rough days....babies cry, this is what they do but he is still such a good baby and when I think of the good days, I feel blessed.
Two weeks post-partum: I have now lost a total of 10 kg but I am still as swollen as a hippo - you must check these cankles! My hands...well they are still not functioning properly but I have good days and then bad days where I struggle to pick Cam up...I hope this is going to go away.
I am sad to say though, now that I am losing weight I can see the cluster of 5 stretch marks that I got on my stomach while being pregnant and I had a little cry about this...they look worse than when my stomach was stretched...Oh well, suck it up buttercup..sh*t happens...wear those stretch marks with pride.
Sleep deprivation is honestly no joke and it is enough to drive any normal person insane. You can hate me for saying this but I now sympathize with those mothers that "shake" their babies...no I have not shaken my child but I understand now why some woman do.
Wayne took me out to dinner this week too. It was so nice to get out and spend some QT with him, even though I cried at the table while talking to him telling him I felt like a bad mom and I may be failing at this. HAHAHA hormones!
Even though I am functioning on very little sleep and some days feel as though I just want to crack and give up, emotionally I feel good and no signs of baby blues.
Physically, things are a little better this week but I am still sore. I have not taken any pain killers this week though so that is a good thing and sure sign of healing. Bring on week 6 so I can get exercising!
Did I mention last week how awesome it is to sleep on my back...lol my bed feels slightly bigger without my massive belly taking up most of the space...now I am just trying to contend with Wayne who keeps hogging my side of the bed as well.
Until next week...